Example sentences of "[noun pl] of time " in BNC.

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1 So in the same village , there would be two different sorts of time .
2 ‘ Dog ’ remains dog through centuries of time and cultural change .
3 There are a number of aspects of " pure " time deixis , where there is no direct interaction with non-deictic methods of time reckoning .
4 But this did not prevent claims being made for motivational research and the like as extravagant as those made for corn cures and patent all-purpose medicines by the pedlars and mountebanks of time immemorial .
5 And the population of London swelled , both with naive readers of Time , and with young people from across the country .
6 But how do we get some feel for spans of time stretching into millions of years ?
7 It is possible to argue that he wrote in the proportion to which each location claimed or received his spans of time and attention — and as he spent more than twice the length of time out on the islands as he did getting there , the greater part of his book addresses the west .
8 Later we shall need to relate the squares of time intervals in different frames .
9 At the same time , also by means of forebrain action , all kinds of circumstances may impede the former function — inhibition arising from earlier training and experience , considerations of time and place , conscious moral outlooks etc .
10 In much the same way implicit or explicit models for describing the evolution of stream channels or drainage basins commonly are used to make simplifying assumptions that eliminate considerations of time , history and sometimes even progressive change . ’
11 DECADES make convenient units of time for historians , sociologists and pundits of every stripe , but the people who live and work through them do n't share the same enthusiasm for tying everything into bundles or stopping precisely at midnight on December 31 .
12 AGE — ( duration of life at death , at birth of child , at delivery of fetus , at marriage or at another event ) is the estimated or calculated interval between the date of birth and the date of occurrence of the event , expressed in completed units of time .
13 Hall has made the covers of Time as well as the Village Voice , and ascended into ratings heaven ( only one rival tops his statistics : the evergreen Johnny Carson Show ) .
14 Throughout Iranian thought there was a tendency to dualism , and it is therefore not surprising that two distinct forms or aspects of time were recognized : indivisible time , that is the eternal ‘ now ’ , and time that is divisible into successive parts .
15 Whereas for most Greeks and Romans , whether they believed in cycles or not , the dominant aspects of time were the present and the past , Christianity directed man 's attention to the future .
16 These aspects of time control start from the communications problem , discussed in Chapter 11 .
17 … the dimension of time has been shattered , we can not love or think except in fragments of time each of which goes off along its own trajectory and immediately disappears .
18 Let it not bear the traces of work , the traces of time .
19 In the purply warm twilight the tiny traces of time did n't show , he looked exactly as always .
20 But that process is only possible at all because of the Incarnation , Passion , Resurrection and Ascension of Christ who lives the love of God triumphant in and beyond the sins of time .
21 There are pebbles under the feet of Aphrodite 's helpers on the Ludovisi throne ( fig. 83 ) ; and one thinks also of the pebbled floor of the tomb on the Sotades Painter 's cup ( fig. 114 ) , where the ambiguities of time are likewise reminiscent of the Troy .
22 You know that you 've arrived , when the demands of time give way to the enjoyment of the moment .
23 Any Linguistics-based study , it was urged , was conceptually difficult , and made heavy demands of time and energy .
24 He engages with a sense of Being eternally present , not driven and limited by the demands of time .
25 He had told his wife that morning over breakfast in their bungalow on the edge of Barashevo and within faint sight of the outer wooden fence of Zone I , that he stood to gain a great prize … not tomorrow , not next week , but he had time , he had months of time to break this bastard .
26 It is also an independent feeding method which involves a separate rod and line to lower the dropper in , or , if used with the same rod and line with which you are fishing , takes up precious minutes of time when your hookbait could be in the water ; valuable minutes when the barbel are mad on feed .
27 If you have approximately ten minutes of work left to reach a good stopping point and , if you have approximately ten minutes of time available ( e.g. before schoolchildren arrive home ) THEN either a few , some or all stitches will immediately fall off the machine and ruin all your plans to finish on time .
28 That it 's almost impossible for the human brain to concentrate for more than ten minutes of time on any
29 They often involve large investments of time spent in training and practice , and these processes can perhaps be simplified .
30 For the reason given above this might well be totally wrong for large values of time .
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