Example sentences of "[noun pl] have [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Each phase is distributed over several stator teeth and , since there must be as many stator teeth directing flux towards the rotor as away from it , the number of stator teeth has to be an even multiple of the number of phases , e.g. in a three-phase motor there can be 6 , 11 , 18 , 24 , stator teeth .
2 And since the blindness and brutality recorded in those accounts has in no wise disappeared from human society , have we not a crucified God still ?
3 But the labour involved in studying the objects and producing the data , be it weighing , chemical analysis or whatever , means that the scope of investigations has to be limited in some way .
4 The association between entities has to be meaningful , the relationship normally his an information content — CUSTOMER places ORDER .
5 The cost of residential care in many cases has to be topped up by the DSS .
6 This fresh ecumenical contact and its opening of new horizons has by no means been restricted to the meeting of Christians with Christians .
7 ‘ And the TCCB 's directive for pitches has for several years now been that they must start dry . ’
8 A new role for the courts has to be fashioned out of our system of parliamentary democracy — Justinian .
9 The form that criticism takes has to be specific to its object .
10 Secondly , migration from the cities has in net terms been removing the types of people that are least affected by increasing unemployment .
11 The massive anxiety aroused by these conflicts has to be resolved , or else the nurse will either drop out of training as a ‘ failure ’ , or resolve the conflict by reverting to defensive techniques .
12 Pete Waterman 's refusal to suppress his opinions has on occasion exposed him to ridicule as in the sampling storm but on the whole he appears confident and competent , clear about what he wants .
13 Lest it be thought that I have singled out young persons as a special problem , let me hasten to add that I think that the behaviour of youth cultures has to be seen as a mirror image of the adult society .
14 The work of other researchers has in many different ways helped to shape our work , to influence what we have asked and to make us more sensitive to what we have heard .
15 So , far from having the home market to itself , ICI Soda Ash Products has to be internationally competitive — ‘ service and quality being every bit as important as price , ’ to quote Donald McLeod , commercial services manager and also a member of the five-man SAP executive .
16 fjortoft has not scored a single goal in the premiership yet ( he kept them coming at a very steady rate at rapid vienna ( under manager Hans Krankl — one of my favorite strikers — favorite striker of all times has to be Der Bomber , Gerd Muller , who scored something like 60 goals in 50 internationals ! did he in fact score against us in our 2–0 defeat vs Bayern Munich ? ) ) — i guess Fjortoft has problems adjusting to the english play and swindon is not the best of teams anyway .
17 One of the most outstandingly beautiful Fairy Basslets has to be the ‘ Square Anthias ’ Pseudanthias pleurotaenia .
18 The gap between mortality rates for the two groups has in fact widened since the 1930s , when the rates were 10 per cent below the average for professional and managerial workers , and 11 per cent above for unskilled workers .
19 It is n't because Stavrogin is not a decent man that the form of words has to be changed ; he also says ‘ I 'm bored ’ in the earliest draft of the letter , and this assertion goes completely .
20 This is because it assumes that only one of the candidates in each position is correct , so the assignment of scores to words has to be delayed until the maximum for any given position is known .
21 The time taken by each set of words has to be very exactly calculated , and a large part of the skill of a voice-over expert lies in the ability to fit a set of words into a precise length of time while still getting the required clarity and intonation .
22 The fourth point , Chairman , er is the new settlement issue , and while that 's due for discussion on policy H Two , that issue does shall I suggest invade policy H One , because an appropriate form of words has to be agreed in policy H One to reflect the new settlement issue and as you 'll be aware the County Council is about a step by step approach towards the finalization of the new settlement erm strategy for Greater York , and then finally , a specific issue that you mentioned is the distribution of developments between the Greater York districts er within Greater York , now as you 'll be aware Chairman , that has been done informally , following the original structure plan in nineteen eighty the County and the Districts got together and agreed the distribution of housing and employment land in Greater York .
23 ‘ Security in some schools has to be 24 hours a day to keep kids out and stop them burning them down . ’
24 Computer programming in schools has until recently been largely limited to the use of ‘ imperative ’ languages such as BASIC .
25 I have suggested that the curriculum content of our primary schools has in broad terms always been ‘ agreed ’ .
26 Although the basic epidemiology in beef herds is similar to diary herds , the influence of immune adult animals grazing alongside susceptible calves has to be considered .
27 At the wider level each of the units has to be sequenced to achieve a balance through the entire key stage .
28 The terms of this participation have been endlessly argued about , and the increasing practice of the advance on royalties has to some extent modified it , in restoring an element of purchase .
29 Under the current rules of evidence , sensitive police information about intelligence gathering and informants has to be disclosed to the defence if the judge orders it .
30 The harassment occurs as a result of the effect various suggestions , jokes , touching or showing of pictures has on the recipient .
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