Example sentences of "[noun pl] bring down " in BNC.

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1 A familiar sound in the Amazonian rainforest as the loggers bring down another mahogany tree .
2 Customers tend to use the product either as a report generator for existing , often highly complex databases brought down from the mainframe , or as a tool for the complete re-engineering of their applications , including prototyping .
3 This meant that the District Officers ' opposition to the proposals of wildlife conservationists who wanted Masai land was just as uncompromising as their opposition to settlers ; and , then as now , the appearance of indifference to the interests of picturesque and harmless animals brought down odium on the heads of those presumed guilty of it .
4 The High Commissioner 's Residency was flooded , his collection of pandanus mats sodden , his power lines brought down by falling trees .
5 At the river mouths are stones and huge boulders brought down when the rivers are in flood , although most of the year there is so little water in the rivers that it is hard to imagine .
6 Partnerships could henceforth be established between consenting adults so that ‘ two men could live permanently together without fearing prattling informers bringing down the criminal law upon them ’ .
7 Newspaper attacks brought down two French prime ministers , Ferry in 1885 and Caillaux in 1911 , in both cases with considerable international repercussions .
8 But one key question is — what will the waters bring down with them ?
9 However , Eleanor Young vice-chairman of the National Association of Community Health Councils and chairman of Darlington CHC , expressed concern that recent efforts to bring down the lists would not be sustained over the next few months and years .
10 It used to be a good town for the hides trappers brought down out of the hills , but that trade is gone now , along with many another .
11 With the massive expansion of mortgage lending and the subsequent use of interest rates to bring down inflation , the number of mortgages over 12 months in arrears rose from 59,690 in June 1991 to 91,740 by the end of the year .
12 He had half-expected that the response would be a thrust of the long spurs and a head-down gallop for the open , and those ahead had orders to bring down the horse if Isambard tried it ; but instead he stirred gently in the saddle and brought his mount edging forward in obedience to the order , dancing restively past the quivering arrow , and almost abreast of Owen 's hiding-place .
13 And the Beaubourg gallery has recent assemblages by the French sculptor César until 7 November : cut-out , compressed , superimposed statues of Communist leaders brought down by last summer 's events in Moscow and entitled ‘ Ave Lenin ’ .
14 Separate scandals brought down Goria and De Lorenzo .
15 The defenders need to ask whether the system that once gave Europe stable currencies and helped many of its original members to bring down their rates of inflation can continue to serve those ends .
16 He also claimed ‘ everyone is looking at new materials to bring down the weight of vehicles . ’
17 Events in Oxford and Bridgewater should have told him otherwise — as should the call , by representatives of 120 local Labour Parties meeting to discuss Spain , for Labour to take the initiative in forming an alliance of progressive forces to bring down Chamberlain .
18 However , a draft report by a secret ministerial advisory group reviewing ‘ persistent unemployment ’ suggests further measures to bring down the jobless tally could be in the pipeline .
19 In the mud banks which rise ten feet or so above the water 's edge , you can see the strata of silt deposits brought down each year by the river in the days before the High Dam .
20 A 10% cut in benefits brings down his expected duration by only 0.1 weeks .
21 In the nightmare my father , the under-gardener , my brother and I were throwing sticks to bring down walnuts from the great tree halfway between our home and the Court .
22 Do you want some samples bringing down
23 Around 16,000 homes were left without electricity after drifts brought down power lines .
24 Mr Sillars accused the leadership of unravelling ten years of work by party activists — a reference to the SNP decision to vote with the Tories to bring down the Labour government in 1979 which led to the taunt ‘ Tartan Tories ’ .
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