Example sentences of "[noun pl] who the " in BNC.

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1 Ladies and gentlemen erm about three years ago we finally decided to restore this car that you see behind us and although it was er an impossible task at times we , we carried on regardless and I hope that you 'll agree that everything you see today , plus the fact that seeing everybody out here , I think we , you 'll agree we made the right decision and er we feel that as long as this car is in this position that nobody 'll erm have any doubts who the Three- Ninetieth Group were and er , I think er , I think we 're all proud of this day particularly .
2 Nor , from the beginning of the indiscriminate sinking of British merchant ships by U-boats , could there be the slightest doubt among seamen who the enemy was ; but adjustment was difficult , and bread and butter questions such as pay and conditions of work were aggravated and complicated by wartime inflation , by manpower shortages and by excessive profits made by shipowners who grew even richer and more demanding out of the sweat and blood of their merchant crews .
3 And there were there were artists who the artist .
4 The science of planning rapidly developed throughout the 1970 's and 1980's because the customers who the advertisers were targeting , changed .
5 She 's grown up and left home and wonders who the hell she is .
6 Besides laughing with a comforting or gratifying sense of superiority when confronted with pictures of the incompetence of figures who the readers may recognize as representing their fellow men , the readers may also be regarded , she suggests , as laughing at common humankind and thus also ( unconsciously ) at themselves .
7 ‘ The figures who the Tories have no long-term strategy to get Britain back to work and no-short term measures to ease the current crisis .
8 But for some villagers who the remember the Lambourn as it used to be , all that matters is that it flows once again .
9 For the new study , a researcher from the university 's department of psychology conducted interviews with 56 young men who the earlier research had assessed as either safe or unsafe drivers .
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