Example sentences of "[adv] to that " in BNC.

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1 The tercentenary of the church in Cambridge where we met was to be held in June that year , and we looked forward eagerly to that reunion , and to another reunion in May with friends in the Lake District .
2 While I owe much to that tradition and trust that I am still persona grata within it , in many respects I have gone beyond Evangelical thought on matters to do with the Church and sacraments .
3 The different reactions to the military adventures of James III and James IV owe much to that most fundamental aspect of rule , the ability to evoke enthusiasm and affection — love , as contemporaries would have said ; the former failed to inspire what the latter clearly got in such great measure that the Scots were willing to countenance the idea of a crusade against the Turks , and in 1513 were even prepared to break the habit of more than a century , of avoiding major pitched battles with the English .
4 Another is Padfoot , a creature with long , smooth hair who will creep unheard alongside a traveller , then suddenly rattle a chain , much to that person 's consternation .
5 The revolt against the Mr Bush 's presidency a ran all to Mr Clinton 's benefit and not much to that of Mr Perot , the acid-tongued Texas billionaire who styled himself the unorthodox candidate of protest .
6 I ai n't gon na start with the strengths we 're starting with the the threats basically to that s er .
7 The ubiquity and sensitivity of magnetic minerals , the speed and versatility of measuring equipment and the persistence of magnetic linkages between source and sediment make the emerging methodology ideally suited to both process- and reconstruction-oriented catchment studies and more especially to that integration of the two approaches so strongly advocated in recent time .
8 Results showed that as pressure was increased , critical temperature of the material dropped dramatically , a behaviour opposite to that predicted .
9 Note that the rhythm of adrenalin is timed opposite to that of fatigue and the same as that of shooting speed .
10 Once , as she was heading towards the gate ( thus walking in the direction opposite to that which Agnes was to take somewhat later , followed by the gaze of her unfortunate schoolfriend ) , the secretary turned , smiled and lifted her arm out in the air in an unexpected gesture , easy and flowing .
11 In some of the tests involving dykes , the host rock has a polarity opposite to that of the dykes ( Fig. 3 ) .
12 Incidentally , Dubhe and Alkaid are moving across the sky in a direction opposite to that of the remaining five stars , so that over a sufficiently long period the Plough will lose its familiar shape .
13 However , tachistoscopic half-field studies with normal subjects suggest that for sinistrals the presence of familial left handedness reduces perceptual asymmetry for non-verbal as for verbal tasks ( Gilbert , 1977 ; Albert and Obler , 1978 ) or shifts the asymmetry in the direction opposite to that for dextrals ( Schmuller and Goodman , 1980 ) .
14 Within each handedness group the difference between female inverters and non-inverters was in the direction opposite to that predicted by Levy and Reid but , for males , the difference was in the predicted direction .
15 As the sphere becomes superconducting , surface currents are set up producing a magnetic flux opposite to that already existing inside the material .
16 As usual , I felt that , on taking leave , I ought to proceed in a direction opposite to that which he was taking , because there was a mystery as to where Eliot lived , and I did not want to appear inquisitive .
17 As he will be aware , for the most part attacks have been going in the direction opposite to that to which he drew attention .
18 In enacting a liberal abortion law Maryland pursued an course opposite to that being followed in much of the rest of the country .
19 For example in Les heureux époux and Silène ( book 2 ) , whose airs were lifted from Danchet and Campra 's censored ballet Les amours de Venus ( 1712 ) , the composer routinely set almost all the new recitatives Danchet wrote for them in the mode opposite to that of the air they precede , although there is no affective call for this .
20 Anyway since editing is the main problem , what we 're going to do this afternoon is , actually , I 'm going to show you another video and again it 's a very controversial one , again it 's used in , in teaching situations , again it has a biased point of view in the sense that it 's produced by National Power , er clearly as a P R job for introduction into schools erm and I want you to do the same exercise , but this time I want us to edit them among ourselves and what I 'm going to do is to get you to wri write your reviews and then we 'll divide into small groups , while you 're watching it I 'll co I 'll count how , however many people we 've got here , we 'll copy the reviews and in the same groups I want you to edit one another 's reviews and then er discuss them within the groups once you 've , once you 've marked them so we 'll get into the small , we 'll do the review we 'll write the review and then we will er , I distribute the , you can go and have a cup of coffee while we copy them , then we 'll distribute them , you can mark them , er individually on your own and then we 'll get into a group and you can criticize one another 's reviews , we 'll take them one at a time , we 'll probably be in groups of four , okay , but I 'll see , I 'll see how many , what the most suitable number is , okay so , if you , would you be kind enough to that
21 Now he was looking at Toby with the pleading grin of the schoolboy planning a jape , and Toby , who was near enough to that stage to want to put it firmly behind him , would have loved to refuse .
22 It looks the English breakfast fixing it up for , that 's what and if you , if you want to look at an X-ray , you will see that the arteries of the body , those are the arteries , bring the blood supply is blocked with arteriosclerosis , and there you can see the English breakfast , the yolk of egg , the butter and all these things that are in there , causing a blockage of the artery , not enough to that muscle , and a heart attack , death and all these unbelievable things , that give me a little bit of income .
23 Communications are therefore usually direct and easy , and the staff are able to relate their work personally to that of other departments .
24 So to that extent , it is not unreasonable to hold the courts largely responsible for the current crisis .
25 The fact that the duty of care is enforced at all means of course that there is a possibility that decisions with bad outcomes will attract liability , and so to that extent procedural standards might suppress risk .
26 It certainly is everything that has been fended off by the ego , so to that extent it , it corresponds more closely to erm to the unconscious .
27 So to that extent , you 're right .
28 Er so to that extent local preference is not satisfied in that case , even though Selby district council have expressed a preference .
29 There 's no excuse for that and if we 're er having as one of our major platforms of our business initiative 's quality , then er the quality must be right one hundred per cent all the time er so I was somewhat bothered that we were an an disappointed I suppose that we did n't get high ratings in the quality control reviews which were carried out , so to that end we were make make sure the next time we came round with a better score er so er we are looking at what 's called hot reviews which is looking at er an audit for example before it 's finalised by somebody completely independent of the job carrying out a technical review of the way in which tha that audit has been conducted er we are looking at it after the jobs been finished and probably in the slack season in the summer get people to actually review as if they were doing a dry quality control review of the job er prior to us getting an external review er carried out .
30 So to that extent George is on the side of history , is n't he ?
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