Example sentences of "[adv] to this " in BNC.

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1 In one way or another a great many people owed much to this benevolent physician and he gave to Philip Miller an opportunity which would ultimately benefit botany and horticulture throughout the world .
2 Sadly , Jimmy died in 1989 , but all of the achievements owe much to this dear , departed , friend .
3 It certainly continued to give opportunity for glory , for self-advancement , and for material gain ; in that respect it has not changed much to this day .
4 One can not be so clear when considering other mosaics which appear to owe much to this manner of arrangement and depiction .
5 She fell silent , unable to speak openly — especially to this man — of the torment writhing within her .
6 The Great Patriotic War is testimony enough to this , but the Soviet regime was conceived in war : an interstate war turned by pressure of events and conscious strategy into civil war .
7 American and European children had been known to respond well enough to this form of words and schooled Wolof children did so too .
8 The crowd were settling in nicely to this when Ray ‘ Preston ’ joined John for a few numbers .
9 The markets themselves must have contributed greatly to this .
10 The curve of the blade contributed greatly to this , as Henry Stephens showed in his Book of the Farm .
11 This process takes place just as much in the context of legislating as in connection with other procedures which appear to lend themselves more obviously to this end .
12 He asked those interested or intrigued by the idea to pray as to whether God might be calling them personally to this work .
13 Pakenham relates personally to this curious theatrical prop .
14 By the late 1930s it had been converted to a dwelling and remains so to this day .
15 It would have remained so to this day — but for the unforseen results of subsidence .
16 Again , now that he is a man he is expected to observe those admittedly very minimal standards of decency which apply to excretion ( for instance , not urinating on someone 's feet when you are talking to them ) , and so to this very limited extent we can speak of initiation being like toilet-training .
17 Yet there may be less to this unambiguous declaration than meets the eye .
18 In this case it will be obligatory for the driver to provide the specimen which the constable decides to require , either blood or urine subject only to this , that if the constable requires blood but a medical practitioner is of opinion that for medical reasons a specimen of blood can not or should not be taken , the obligation on the driver will then be to provide a specimen of urine instead .
19 Evidence continued to be submitted relating to the CPSU 's role in Soviet politics in the period since March 1990 , when it surrendered its constitutionally guaranteed monopoly of power [ see p. 37299 ] , the Court having indicated that its evaluation of the party 's constitutionality would relate only to this limited period .
20 At last they 'd managed to drag themselves away to this beautiful paradise island .
21 To keep the training crew occupied I sent them away to this vessel for a day 's rummage and to my pleasant surprise it was not long before they returned with the news that they had unearthed a vast cache of spirits and cigarettes in the ship 's hospital .
22 At the moment they 're leading by three goals to two as now plays it away to this right hand side to Stewart , makes a charge forward , he 's taking on Chris , he 's getting to the right edge of the penalty area , he crosses low with his right boot , chance for in the area , he turned quickly on it but he blasted the t the shot over the top of the bar .
23 Second , it ignores the other social reality , that many pupils come from homes in which there is no stable and married family life and so will not be able to relate easily to this concept .
24 You 're not new to the area though , just to this bit ?
25 It is not , therefore , unexpected that governments since the last war in this country have confined their efforts largely to this aspect of equality .
26 Neil Kinnock made a very good , warm , amusing and emotional speech whose merits applied exactly to this venue .
27 It is surprising that markets did not react sooner to this .
28 We can date the clearance of stable upland environments such as the chalklands of Wessex and Yorkshire and the Jurassic limestones of the Cotswolds and elsewhere to this period .
29 When farmers and farm workers refer to the ‘ loss of community ’ in their village it is usually to this kind of change that they are implicitly referring , for there are bound to be changing patterns of sociability developing in the village to which they are unaccustomed or from which they feel excluded .
30 When the agricultural population complains of a loss of community in the English village it is usually to this loss of an enclosed , socially self-sufficient occupational community that they refer .
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