Example sentences of "[adv] to [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 It was lovely that you came , ’ and she took his hand and raised her mouth eagerly to his as he bent to kiss her for the first time .
2 And when you talk sensibly to them and that you know , about ja , that and too old for you like that , something like that I , I get really erm you know , really erm when they erm they , they start to laugh but you 're not quite funny and that .
3 It was always the same wherever he went — people were drawn inexorably to him , as though some of his charisma could rub off on them if they could just get close enough .
4 Well done mum for reading that out wrongly to me .
5 And Creggan followed her helpless gaze , out past the bars to the great sky itself and it seemed that direction came suddenly to him at last .
6 Her eyes flew suddenly to his .
7 It does n't mean much to me .
8 No-one said much to me at tea , although I caught them looking at me sometimes as they sipped at their mugs .
9 As this was long before I had any real experience of life myself it was hardly surprising that Shakespeare 's comments should not have meant much to me then .
10 It was an answer that did not mean much to me then and I confess that it means very little to me today : it is not only a rather arid and pompous definition , which seems to drain the idea of God of imaginative life , but it also seems arrogant — even hubristic .
11 Harvey spent a lot of time in the office and apart from asking me if I 'd spoken to Dawlish — a suggestion which I impassively denied — he did n't say much to me until the morning of the third day , which was a Tuesday .
12 Nobody said much to me after the service .
13 They had n't said much to me apart from announcing themselves as Detective-Sergeant Hatchard and Detective Constable White , and even when they got back inside , Hatchard talked to the pathologist while White went off for a snoop around , as policemen do .
14 The chaplain of the college was a pleasant gentleman , his teacher of classics was a worthy pedant , and neither meant much to him .
15 Clearly the story meant much to him .
16 But Rufus admitted to himself that the beauties of nature and architecture had never meant much to him .
17 Stewart , who is retiring after guiding England for six years , watched four players who owe much to him play key roles .
18 In them he tried to recreate the characters of people who had meant much to him .
19 As Eliot had allowed me to give his name as a reference , my appointment , in the face of a number of other young men hungry for employment and no doubt better qualified ( for I had neither teaching experience nor teaching qualifications ) , may well have owed much to him .
20 Anyway , so I , I was getting a bit worried about it , and , I can , cos I was having these headaches , and I started talking to Phil and I , I had n't really said much to him about it .
21 Distances did n't seem to mean much to them .
22 But the Founders and their political allies were n't interested in these facts , which , with their ignorance of newspapers , did not mean much to them .
23 The fact that I had people to speak for me at the trial and that I was doing community work did n't appear to mean much to them .
24 And they said he never said much to them , well he perhaps did n't , he would n't do because he was like that you see , but pra before interviewing him on television , er of course the War came and India was given freedom , and er there used to be you know the Sweet people who used to have a big factory on Road , was a very famous sweet in them days , I do n't think they are now , but was a very good sweet firm , and they 'd got a daughter cos she was in the , during the War the Anglo-Soviet Friendship er she was one of the course they 'd got hundreds but she was one .
25 They could just about remember the Store , but it did n't mean much to them .
26 He never said much to her , nor she to him .
27 Because his refusal to be sincere about his feelings toward her leads her further away from her own values , she begins to resent the way in which he constantly gives her the linguistic slip : ‘ Concepts which still meant much to her , by which she had once lived , were swerved aside with a smart epigram , a pun , a quotation , a dirty story ’ ( 170 ) .
28 She 'd known him barely two days , and already he 'd steered her through more emotions than she 'd known herself capable of — And , much to her very great surprise , over the next few days he insisted on showing her the countryside .
29 Acorn Computer Ltd chose the Cebit Hannover Fair to launch a German version of its RISC OS 3 operating system : not much to it you may think — just translate the error messages — unfortunately the company had reckoned without the sheer verbosity of the German language — it took five beta versions before all the Achtung ! messages were successfully squeezed into the ROM .
30 It may not matter much to you — ’
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