Example sentences of "[adv] and [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 Once more , you want to aim with your research not just to acquire enough facts spread over your pages to give a feeling of the times , but to acquire so many that you have enough and to spare and can choose among your store for the one that does more than merely give a notion of the time you are writing about .
2 And so , there 'd be the happy chatter of people as they were working , knowing there was gon na be enough and to spare .
3 Funny how with all their computers and name-matching , these people never seem to come up with offers of anything one actually wants : Diners Club France has chosen Cardpac , Sema Group Plc 's software package for managing credit cards , to support a ‘ new commercial strategy and to develop its financial and non-financial services ’ in a contract said to be worth between $1.45m and $1.8m : ‘ We will use Cardpac to follow our clients ’ activity and to construct a database segmented by expenses , in order to understand client profiles better and to adapt our offers to their needs , ’ said Rolf Harff , managing director of Diners Club France .
4 There is also now ample research to show that children whose parents listen to them reading at home tend to read better and to enjoy reading more than other children ( Topping and Wolfendale , 1985 ; see also Sheila Wolfendale 's Primary Schools and Special Needs , in the present series ) .
5 In order to understand better and to compare offers received , it would be helpful to my clients if you were prepared to discuss the mechanics of your offer price which should be worked assuming a debt free group and thus based on profit before tax and interest .
6 We are persuading logging companies and governments to manage the logging of rainforests better and to grow their own hardwoods on separate plantations outside the rainforest .
7 A conscious decision is needed to get government out of things the private sector does better and to concentrate government on the basic things that only governments can do .
8 Provided both are prepared to give some ground it is possible to sort out roles afresh and to plan new patterns for the marriage .
9 Through this method you stimulate the person to look at things afresh and to think aloud .
10 Ask the Lord to guide their steps daily and to enlarge their understanding of his love .
11 We are exhorted to get all women planning a pregnancy to consume a supplement of 400 µg folic acid or folate daily and to continue through the first trimester .
12 For the second period of ten years again I discount down the full agency rates , totalling fifty nine thousand four hundred and twenty one pounds and ninety six pence year yearly , to the sum of forty thousand pounds annually and to apply a multiplier of six , producing the figure of two hundred and forty thousand pounds for the second period .
13 With a view to aiding the assessment of a patient 's progress there are a few simple guidelines that can be followed ; for cure to be taking place the disease should go from within to without , from organs of greater importance to lesser importance , from above to below and to disappear in the reverse order to their original appearance .
14 It is difficult not to infer that they grew to suffer deprivations more impatiently and to believe more strongly that earthly happiness was attainable .
15 After which she goes off to join the other hens , leaving the male to incubate the eggs alone and to lead the chicks away from the scrape to a safe and secret hideaway .
16 After travelling around the continent to a constellation of cities linked by who her father knew , it was a relief to cross the Channel alone and to arrive at a place where it was not generally such a struggle to make herself understood .
17 The ( Moslem ) Democratic Action Party ( SDA ) , led by Izetbegovic , on March 25 called on all citizens to reject the division of the republic along ethnic lines alone and to accept the concept of a unitary state .
18 Any sort of boat could have been used to ferry a body to midstream and to put it gently over the side in darkness .
19 Although Edinburgh has the largest law faculty in Scotland and is unrivalled in the range of undergraduate courses it provides , it is still small enough for students to get to know members of staff personally and to mix easily with other students .
20 Such a plan allows schools to manage themselves more democratically and to keep the curriculum as the major focus .
21 Because of the repayments that were made of borrowing during that period , in the midst of a recession we are now in a better position to borrow prudently — than we have been at any stage in the past : to borrow prudently and to maintain our commitment to a balanced budget in the medium term .
22 It is as well at this point to confirm that it is so and to add that there are further complications , bibliographical and biographical .
23 4 In consideration of the above payments the Publisher will be entitled to distribute the Video worldwide and for an unlimited period of time for non-broadcast use only and to use any still photographs in any books published to accompany the Video or in any publicity or promotion material for the Video and accompanying books .
24 4 In consideration of the above payments the Publisher will be entitled to distribute the Video worldwide and for an unlimited period of time for non-broadcast use only and to use any still photographs in any books published to accompany the Video or in any publicity or promotion material for the Video and accompanying books .
25 The framers of the American Constitution also had these objects in mind , but on top of that they had to provide for the desire of the thirteen colonies to be united for some purposes only and to remain independent for others .
26 We tend to view ourselves as physical beings only and to deny that we have anything in the way of a soul or spirit .
27 But at the same time you will make it very beneficial for him to be more obedient , to ask nicely and to control his temper .
28 These empowered local authorities to clear and reconstruct unhealthy areas , with powers to purchase compulsorily and to limit compensation .
29 It seems reasonable to draw these strands together and to presume that considerably more than a thousand teachers are now working in off-site units .
30 Indonesia 's traditional performing arts , such as music and shadow-puppet shows , play a major part in the life of the ‘ media village ’ , attracting people of all ages and social and religious backgrounds to perform together and to talk and share ideas and concerns .
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