Example sentences of "[adv] though it " in BNC.

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1 So though it is hard to imagine the stealthy fighter-bombers , map-reading cruise missiles and pinpoint bombs that won the Gulf war being beaten by Brazilian , Chinese or Russian weapons for decades , there is a good argument for what will now in effect be an arms race by America against itself .
2 So though it wo n't provide a killing in one year , it may cut risk , he concludes .
3 So though it is perfectly practicable to take a trip to Heiden by car ( a direct road leads from Rorschach ) you would do much better to leave the car behind , go along to the station of the Rorschach-Heiden mountain railway near the harbour , take a cogwheel train , sit back in one of the red coaches and enjoy the gradually changing view .
4 So though it 's now Torvill and Dean PLUS Phil and Isabelle , it 's all right .
5 I just though it was a simple misprint and with one stroke of the pen I changed ‘ otter ’ to ‘ other ’ , thus effecting a rather broader sweep to Party policy than had been intended .
6 ‘ I hit the fish and stright away though it was a good one , but my son Tony has never caught a pike so I handed him the rod , ’ said Lee .
7 After a while Moran tired of looking at the newspapers and went outside though it was almost night .
8 Thus though it might well be that the very short-term phases of memory are dependent on the continued electrical activity of the brain — and there will be more to be said about this in due course — in the longer term any persistent record or trace must demand some more permanent incarnation .
9 If it does so the provisions of section 80A apply instead of those in subsections ( 4 ) and ( 5 ) of section 80 and the authority can be given for any fixed period or indefinitely though it can be revoked at any time .
10 So far though it has not been a problem raising money for the sharp end of mountain rescue — for new ropes or new vehicles and the like .
11 Now though it is all very secure for me so I will not be going back , ’ she said .
12 Today though it was the residents ' chance to view the house for themselves .
13 Secondly , the formal analysis which is second nature to a Western critic can be fruitful , even though it could be argued that this is a way of interpreting the objects of an unfamiliar culture rather than a description .
14 The power of the element of statehood among the dominant beliefs appears to have been sufficient to neutralize the provisional movement in the South , even though it was severely tested by the event of Bloody Sunday in 1972 , when thirteen demonstrators were killed by British soldiers in Derry , and by the provisional hunger strikes of 1981 .
15 The owner of ‘ The Hollybush ’ at Elstree proposed to infill an original coach arch in the pub 's facade and to demolish the timber framed side walls of the passageway behind in order to form a larger and open interior , even though it was this feature that distinguished the building as an historic inn .
16 I was told on more than one occasion , that I should not really let outsiders see this sort of thing , even though it was agreed that what I had written was an accurate analysis of events .
17 Jones 's book remained untouched on the shelves of Northumbria 's modest library in its first two years , even though it had good reviews ; and the influence of his research has been all but negligible .
18 Even though it does seem to have taken over the house a bit . ’
19 I did n't chew my nails with regret at giving him my virginity , furious at my weakness in lying down for him , and taking this boy in my arms just because he was English , a citizen of that great nation which had once ruled half the globe : nor did I blame myself for clinging on to an idea even though it meant severing my links with my country , and travelling to London alone without any member of my family .
20 ‘ I think there 's a market , even though it 's a narrow field , ’ said Susan .
21 ‘ I would be surprised if it was decided to bring Old Vic back to tackle a mile and a quarter , even though it would be a nice idea , ’ he said .
22 Even though it had detailed knowledge of the flight 's route so soon after the event , the US government dismissed its claim out of hand hours later , and never explained why .
23 So long as there is a full right of appeal against a refusal of leave — a right which the present Government sought , at one stage , to abolish — this handicap is acceptable , even though it places public authorities in a more privileged position than the ordinary litigant .
24 His Lordship could not accept that a sensible construction of paragraph 19 involved that , provided only the commercial deputising service was large and efficient enough , the FPC was in practice obliged to give its consent even though it knew that the doctor in question intended to delegate his entire practice to such an organisation .
25 That is , how to convey to members of the public that their request or complaint is taken seriously even though it is impossible to act upon it .
26 Indeed , by the middle of that year critics were saying that the cuts imposed at the time of the IMF crisis may have been too harsh , and that fixed investment in manufacturing capacity needed to be stepped up , even though it actually rose by 8 per cent in 1978 .
27 His yielding to the edicts of Number 10 on financial policy eventually enabled the main thrust of Thatcherite innovation to show itself here , even though it was often the moderation as much as the radicalism which was to impress observers .
28 What the little boys remembered about his class was that he made divinity fun , even though it was before breakfast .
29 Because of the presence of all these links , there is order in such a system , even though it is a type of ‘ society which still 'has ' no state ’ [ p. 188 ] and no classes .
30 There is so much to see , even though it is all basically made of the same ingredients .
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