Example sentences of "[adv] always [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Perhaps you understand — as many do not — that the past is not only always with us , but is us , the cause and context of our every action .
2 So always after that I would make sure I had a job to do as far away as possible from the scene , because it upset me a lot .
3 Bishop Fan Xueyan was described by one of his fellow bishops as someone who ‘ suffered a lot , spending his life between prison and freedom , more or less always under surveillance ’ .
4 It was something that was more or less always on my mind .
5 As it can only be grown in Northern India among the foothills of the Himalayas , it is naturally always in great demand and once you savour the fragrance and taste of the rice for yourself you will understand why .
6 The outer form and the behaviour of the creature are thus always at one — man does not try to flap his arms and fly , any more than an insect seeks out the sex pheromones of another species as if they were its own .
7 But content-driven curriculum is conversely always in danger of reducing the quality of transactions between teacher and child by becoming a handing-out of packages .
8 Provincial assemblies met thereafter always with clerical proctors present when a subsidy to the king was at issue and sometimes when it was not .
9 It was nonchalant in its dealings with other cats , disdainfully ignoring the usual status battles , which were nearly always between males or between females — there was little social fighting across the genders .
10 In the evenings there was sometimes singing on deck to the accompaniment of a lute , and sorrowful music it was too , because the songs were nearly always about broken hearts , unrequited love , or dear ones lost at sea .
11 Those clays in fact go right across the hillside there , and they cause a lot of problems because they slope inland , and over Ritchie Hill , coming out of Newhaven , the road there is nearly always during the winter months broken by cracks which open up , and has in fact been subject to considerable reconstruction this last summer .
12 Seed of biennials or short-lived perennials , such as foxgloves , are nearly always worth saving — but sow some now , and store the rest .
13 The supporters from three of these teams have a history of violence ; in Cairo , riot police are nearly always on hand , and even referees need protection from death threats .
14 In 1834 it was notable for being more varied in coat colour than any other breed , but nearly always with the white finchback and white hough spots it still has today .
15 Horace is a highly allusive poet ; names of personages real and mythical fill the Odes , and nearly always with something more than a merely decorative intent .
16 But nearly always at home .
17 Surely the English and French were nearly always at war in those days . ’
18 Gutters and downpipes , once made of cast iron , are now nearly always of PVC , and none the worse for that except that they need more frequent supports .
19 They are mostly of brick , unlike the woollen mills of Yorkshire , which are nearly always of stone .
20 The behaviour that this requires ( e.g. plant closures , the use of environmentally damaging production processes ) will often be contrary to the interests of non-shareholder groups , but nearly always of advantage to the members ( with an exception sometimes arising in the take-over context ) .
21 Clear air is nearly always of paramount importance .
22 Mark usually achieved this by thinking out an arresting beginning , nearly always of the same type , asking his congregation to imagine themselves standing gazing at the Pyramids or the Acropolis or even the New York skyline , hardly realising , until Sophia pointed it out to him , that these sights would be unfamiliar to the majority of his hearers .
23 The actual vaults were nearly always of concrete and it was the strength of Roman concrete which made it possible to cover the enormous spaces in this way .
24 The loft was nearly always above the stable . ’
25 Though the artist was ill with tuberculosis and had no money to pay for his keep , Marama looked after him while he painted her over and over again ; sometimes nude , sometimes dressed , and nearly always against the background of island scenery — near the waterfalls and the secret pools , in dells that laced the volcanic slopes , in the village market , in the main street of Anani .
26 However , despite the best efforts of the BBC and other giant mass publishing houses to clog the best-seller lists with the epitome of semi-literate publishing , literacy keeps breaking through in the most unlikely places , and nearly always from American rather than British programmes .
27 Referral of the problems which concern him comes nearly always from a parent or outsider .
28 And the funerals were I would say , nearly always from the house .
29 In that pure evening light of late summer the plains were brown and golden , with here a crumbling village with women nearly always in black , and here a straggling group of toylike , stunted umbrella pines .
30 These birds are nearly always in winter plumage and presumably are immature .
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