Example sentences of "[adv] how did " in BNC.

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1 Now here 's a couple of customers , you were at the circus , first of all how did you feel about the circus that you saw ?
2 So how did you end up here ? ’ she asked me .
3 He lived locally , so how did neighbours view his job here ?
4 SO HOW did they break the news to a joyful populace , eagerly waiting to hear the outcome of Margaret Hilda versus The Fossil ( © the Sun ) ?
5 So how did sex magazine entrepreneurs become organic sheep farmers of the late Eighties ?
6 So how did Socinus see God 's forgiveness operating ?
7 So how did Tony manage to gain the confidence of the dealers , ‘ It took at least two or three weeks before I took my camera out and that was probably one of the hardest things I did .
8 So how did Yukawa dare to make such a revolutionary proposal ?
9 So how did the Chief Scientist proceed ?
10 So how did the full-blooded tabby pattern arise ?
11 So how did this all come about ?
12 So how did he come to be involved in the Vauxhall Layla advert ?
13 So how did you develop your style ?
14 So how did I arrive at this mix ?
15 If it was put into freezers it made things cold , but if the same electricity went into an oven it made things hot , so how did it know ?
16 So how did you manage to escape ? ’
17 So how did I as a novice get in there ?
18 So how did you manage to wrestle power from the government after his death ? ’
19 So how did that work then if , if if the look out could spot some aircraft
20 I know Rosie told me , soon after the wedding , that his bank would n't give him any help , so how did he finally raise the money ? ’
21 So how did you like it , Oliver ? ’ asked Sowerberry later , as they walked home .
22 And so how did you er how did you manage how did the family ?
23 So how did you make any friends ?
24 So how did you manage to pay for that ?
25 So how did they react to you when you your mum and dad when you actually when you moved in here .
26 You said they have n't been round round do they do they tend to keep away from here so how did they react when you actually first
27 So how did you er manage when you first got married then ?
28 So how did you get on with Nicola , Jane ? ’
29 So how did these ancient sailors manage to find their way ?
30 So how did a bar have the effect of turning a sleepy little town on a far-flung Azorian island into one of the major yachting ports of the world ?
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