Example sentences of "[adv] than at " in BNC.

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1 Got a bit grazed on the coral , but the national health service here better than at home !
2 In the annual review ( July 1984 ) of the members of the International Energy Agency , ( which was the body established to co-ordinate the response of the industrialised , non-Communist countries to the 1974 oil shock ) it was stated that , ‘ long-term prospects for meeting energy requirements and maintaining energy security are now better than at any time since 1973 .
3 Instead , they had a forty-five-minute audience , which Diana was extremely nervous about — more so than at any meeting with any leader before or since .
4 Pious shock and horror was expressed at this frailty in the face of temptation — far more so than at the evidence that men behaved in the same way .
5 And all in all not a bad place for a romantic tête à tête , nowhere more so than at the Las Palmeras Apartments where , among the seclusion of the palm trees , you can relax in maximum tanning mode with the partner of your dreams .
6 Never was that more so than at this moment when English is nearer than ever before to becoming a universally known language …
7 The Party is dependent upon its activists , no more so than at elections .
8 Nigeria was Africa 's main crude producer in 1983 at 61 million tonnes , 40 million tonnes less than at its peak of 114 million tonnes in 1979 .
9 In theory , a wound ball with the maximum initial velocity allowable , 255 feet per second , at 65°F , will fly some 10 yards less than at the standard temperature .
10 Jupiter orbits the Sun well beyond the orbit of Mars , and though the solar radiation at Jupiter is about 25 times less than at the Earth , Jupiter is so large that only Venus , and Mars at the most favourable oppositions , outshine Jupiter in our skies .
11 The indifference curve through P' must therefore have a slope less than at P. A sufficient condition to rule this out is , for example , that consumption is a normal good .
12 The amounts of aid forthcoming from some member countries of the support group also proved less than at first anticipated .
13 But by now , the whole Lockerbie investigation was dogged by a sense of futility felt nowhere more keenly than at the Scottish Fatal Accident Inquiry which , just before Christmas 1990 , recessed for a month after hearing 150 witnesses in 46 days .
14 Mr Lamont said : ‘ The key to an improved trade performance lies in the competitiveness of our products — and the signs are encouraging : earnings are now growing more slowly than at any time for 25 years ; labour productivity has been rising rapidly , and while unit wage costs in manufacturing have been rising in Japan and Germany , here they showed no increase at all during 1992 .
15 The odd policy to put the stage in the middle of the room rather than at one end leads to a diminishing of the atmosphere ( the corners are seldom filled ) .
16 Even by 1926 party contacts between the capital and Smolensk were to remain mostly at the written rather than at the human level .
17 Dyson , besides , though unpublished and ‘ a don at Reading ’ ( as he always half-ironically described himself ) rather than at Oxford , was more a man of the world than either Tolkien or Lewis .
18 ‘ Oh , I did n't think you would come , ’ she said , and laughed , not at all a confused laugh , but quiet , and at herself rather than at him , looking down at her cupped hands as she did so .
19 The degree of a gelding 's aggressiveness appears to be governed more by heredity , rather than at what age he was castrated .
20 An important qualification is that we are looking at groups of professionals and the manner in which they are organised rather than at individual teachers — at this latter level there can be little doubt that many individual teachers do respond to client needs despite the structure around them .
21 The grandchildren always bathed in her kitchen rather than at home , and she ‘ looked after our heads ’ for lice , while after the bath the blind grandfather ‘ used to tickle our backs with stick in front of fire . ’
22 Since , however , the effect is a dispersion at molecular level , rather than at particle or droplet level , for practical purposes the end result is the same .
23 In an indefinitely long game , the important point is that we can both win at the expense of the banker , rather than at the expense of one another .
24 This led to the belief that Christ 's divine nature originated at his birth rather than at his baptism .
25 Contrary to normal practice , ‘ the most discussed football official of recent years ’ , as the Daily Mail described him , had his team training at Highbury in the week before the final , rather than at a country or seaside resort ( Brighton was later to become the favoured Cup training ground ) .
26 There are situations where the reciprocal of a rate would make more sense than the original rate : ergonomists , for example , might find it more natural to look at the time it takes a person to produce a fixed number of items rather than at the output a person produces from a machine in a fixed period of time .
27 Why might you prefer to have a factory at Exeter or Taunton rather than at Bodmin or Redruth ?
28 In this way , individual operations can be shaped to be realistic rather than at odds with the likely outcome .
29 Peak generation occurs at about 1% reflectance rather than at the 2–3% reflectance reported in a number of published studies .
30 The reefs in Denmark are surrounded by carbonate mudstones and in this case they probably grew on the upper part of the submarine slope rather than at the edge of the platform .
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