Example sentences of "[adv] we [vb base] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ We are happy to support local schemes which wo n't worsen our mainstream business , and while hitherto we 've waited for passenger executives or consortiums to come to us with a proposal , we might in the future consider taking more initiative . ’
2 In no wise ! all we 've gained is , that belief ,
3 Yeah all we want is a turkey .
4 At around 1pm we arrive at our final destination .
5 Furthermore we know more or less what to do to increase its strength .
6 Furthermore we have a series of major landscape features , er which are been referred to in the greenbelt local plan and elsewhere as wedges , which you 'll see from the map enter into the very heart of the city itself .
7 Furthermore we want to embed the chains in such a way as to use the random walk statistics we have derived for freely rotating chain segments .
8 Somewhat gloomily we fall back on our beds in the room I have by now christened the Cell Block .
9 If we take these views literally we arrive at the notion of style as an optional additive , and there is an obvious problem : how can we judge when the factor of style is absent ?
10 In the last resort , the more musical we are and the better we know Brahms , the more pleasure we derive from Choreartium . ’
11 This means that the better we understand the environment in which the output of a system will be used , the better we will be able to estimate the potential value of those outputs , and to design systems accordingly .
12 Here is an NI guide to the different forms of mental distress — the better we understand them , the less we will have to fear .
13 And the sooner we feel better , the better we feel .
14 Better we find you more big snakes outside Death Cave . "
15 Suddenly we come along and say he 's got to do it all over again with several stone more perched on top .
16 Unfortunately the professors object to giving lessons in Arabic , so suddenly we 've got hundreds of thousands of students who need to learn Italian .
17 ‘ It has been very quiet up here for the last two years , but suddenly we have had a surge , ’ says a Vardy spokesman .
18 We have been living in a jungle all our lives and we have struggled to bring our minds into cultivation but without hope and suddenly we have found this meadow of cleared land on which we can plant our gardens .
19 And then suddenly we find the district auditor making comments about an environmental strategy , which I would have thought was , if he worked on the basis of the last one , rather outside his remit .
20 But now , I think , there are signs that er things are beginning to pick up , certainly we 're being told things are beginning to pick up and I think probably as an office generally , we 're experiencing that upturn , although er every time we get some special job in , suddenly we think we are at the end of a recession and perhaps , you know , it 's the next job that really we ought to be looking to .
21 But for some , however much we wish it to be otherwise , grounds for divorce seem pressing in the desperate unhappiness and pain either or both partners appear to be experiencing .
22 Naturally , we can not always choose what happens to us but , once we have reached adulthood , we can choose how much we let those happenings affect us .
23 Our strongest drive is towards rediscovering our wholeness — and however much we try to ignore it , the impulse to grow will keep coming to the surface .
24 However much we try to stave off the raw realities of birth and childcare — with pain-killing drugs , for instance — they must somehow be taken into account , or they will force their way through into consciousness in even more painful ways .
25 I guess we were meant to be , however much we try to fight it .
26 I guess we were meant to be , however much we try to fight it .
27 Why we eat what we do and how much we eat of any particular food is a fascinating subject .
28 How we buy food also has an influence on how much we eat of it at any one meal .
29 My hon. Friend should be aware how much we welcome his statement and that of the Secretary of State , which concentrate on how children are taught in schools rather than on the number of teachers employed .
30 ( Test of how much we use our local stations ) : What are the approximate journey times by the most direct route : —
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