Example sentences of "[adv] as though " in BNC.

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1 Both maids came out , and although there were only two of them they seemed to surround and overwhelm her , not threateningly , but eagerly as though she brought gifts .
2 It was suddenly as though the passion had been drained from her , her juices drying up like a desert stream in summer .
3 He took no part in the digging but squatted on the edge of the ditch , fidgeting backwards and forwards , sometimes nibbling and then starting up suddenly as though he could hear some sound in the wood .
4 Blanche nodded thoughtfully as though Parkin had made a profound point rather than a cheap jibe at a cuckolded husband .
5 She began to moan as he caressed her trembling body , and when he entered her she cried aloud as though in great pain .
6 To his surprise a smile began to tug at her cheeks and when she finished the second reading she laughed aloud as though in relief .
7 He whispered the words aloud as though to conjure the hidden meaning from the card .
8 The light shone on to his upturned face and gleamed on the burnished flanks of the mare who blew through her nose impatiently as though to ask what they were waiting for .
9 It was all as though I had a horrible secret I had to keep . ’
10 Beth remembered it all as though it was only yesterday ; it was etched on her mind and in her heart for all time .
11 Gently as though he might disturb it , he pulled back .
12 They stood in groups around the bed smiling and talking , joking gently as though their words were necessary medicine .
13 The millionaire raised a hand to his left eye and massaged the lid gently as though it were sore .
14 ‘ We choose every item personally as though shopping for ourselves , paying particular attention to practicality and originality . ’
15 That the cripple lived near the stream there was no doubt because his crutch prints were heavily marked on the path for a hundred paces or so as though he often came there , but beyond that point there were none .
16 When we talk about it ( now all too common in public ) , we do so as though it had set fast , even for a moment , in some way .
17 The words were spoken mechanically as though by a bad actor .
18 They swirled together as though they had been stirred with a spoon .
19 Lucasta Redburn rubbed her hands together as though washing them in invisible soap and water , a sign of displeasure .
20 Though I really can not imagine , thought Liz , as she turned away , rubbing her hands together as though the cold had truly bitten her , as though the Ice Queen had truly touched her , why we continue to ask her round .
21 Some would take up for ever more space than they were entitled to — like my mother 's wedding dress , shrouded in sheet linen , suspended in time , uncrushed by the other more workaday but less significant garments that crowded together as though they were cold , waiting in a queue , inmates of a zenana to be taken up or not at the Pasha 's pleasure , promiscuously gathered , at the mercy of their owner .
22 Swod brought his hands together as though ready to pray and raised them to his lips .
23 Dalziel clapped his hands together as though a tricky point had been made simple .
24 ‘ Who does that belong to ? ’ he asks , and I squeeze my legs together as though to resist him , and it feels good ; so good that my back arches .
25 She managed to walk with a reasonable degree of grace and dignity till she reached the back door , then scuttled inside as though her very life depended on it , taking the back stairs two at a time as she rushed to the bedroom to find a robe .
26 She sits down but does n't join in the conversations , her face is distracted and her hands move constantly as though she 's talking to herself .
27 ‘ You know well enough , James — you must have thought — once the government is resolved , and we have talked ourselves hoarse and there is no ink left in the country — then the dragoons will come in and cart the young men away as though we have done nothing .
28 Twenty yards away , through the storm , I glimpsed his figure , furiously lashing away as though his last fishing moment had come .
29 The shrine and the whole house shook and the ground beneath it seemed to be shifting away as though in an earthquake .
30 She looked away as though reluctant to think about it .
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