Example sentences of "[adv] long [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Right longest chain longest chain you can find .
2 Sand vaporised in bunkers and only long hitters managed to reach the fairway of their first shot of the day on Dunluce .
3 Only long cloaks blowing , up on top of the young dunes , a gaze of strange cold eyes , a flash of spear-points — then the rain drove across , and Ruth could see only night .
4 Employing one of those supremely disingenuous somersaults of logic that only long training in double-speak and the official brand of British arrogance can confer , Mr Howard told a Westminster audience of backbenchers that ‘ If the Commission were to take us to the European Court I can think of few things more calculated to bring the Commission into disrepute ’
5 As a general rule , only long vehicles are taken in here for repair .
6 The depressing view of the unsightly pylons marching across the valley floor , heavy traffic thundering along the Woodhead Pass road , five reservoirs and a disused railway line , is soon left behind as you negotiate the tussocky grass slops below Long Gutter Edge towards the entrance to Wildboar Clough .
7 ‘ Rich , the dress needs ear-rings , long long long ear-rings , maybe diamonds or diamonds and emeralds … ’
8 power considerations will usually give way to efficiency — at least in profit-making enterprises , if observations are taken at sufficiently long intervals [ …
9 The tenant should therefore initially attempt to delete clause 5.2.2 , but if this is not accepted a sufficiently long date should be inserted in it .
10 Fussler and Simon , in Patterns in the use of books in large research libraries , affirmed that ‘ past use over a sufficiently long period is an excellent and by far the best predictor of future use ’ , although they observed , ‘ the confidence limits of prediction vary significantly from one subject to another ’ .
11 Incidentally , Dubhe and Alkaid are moving across the sky in a direction opposite to that of the remaining five stars , so that over a sufficiently long period the Plough will lose its familiar shape .
12 If subject to stress for a sufficiently long period of time all ‘ solid ’ materials are capable of flow .
13 However , if gains are kept offshore for a sufficiently long period of time , the return on investment may exceed the increased capital gains tax liability .
14 Sufficiently long gap between contractions for me to smile for the camera .
15 For some goods it may be appropriate to permit cancellation at no charge provided sufficiently long notice is given .
16 At this stage the wing A is still exaggerated , but would however be reduced provided the prevailing wind , X , was of sufficiently long duration .
17 Therefore , before a conclusion is reached , tests must be continued for a sufficiently long time to demonstrate an adequate shelf-life in the market concerned .
18 In other words , they have been allowed to grow and multiply for a sufficiently long time to produce large numbers of cells .
19 The data reported by Kovacs in section 12.9 imply that the observed T g would decrease further if a sufficiently long time for measurement was allowed .
20 All you need to do is to be sufficiently obstructive for a sufficiently long time and and his mates will turn around and throw up their hands and shak and and turn somersaults .
21 People who have intelligence and a conscience wrestle with these problems and we 've come to a conclusion which is as good a deal as we think we can get , with the people of the area and with the Labour party and I think he said that if people in this authority are sufficiently obstructive for a sufficiently long time then people will change their minds .
22 Of course , as is illustrated by the decision of the NIRC in Hare v Murphy Brothers Ltd , 1974 KIR 57 , a sufficiently long prison sentence will constitute a unilateral repudiation of the contract by the employee .
23 It is hypothesised that most existing studies of adoption are not sufficiently long term to , demonstrate these effects .
24 Perhaps long exposure to tennis , bad public transport , English weather and the sight of miserable middle-aged people walking their dogs had driven this particular breakaway section of a breakaway section of the Nizari Ismailis right round the bend .
25 Thus , for a profession-orientated list server , messages may act as a record of the change in theory and practice and as such deserve good records management and perhaps long term retention .
26 For instance , Corbett , in support of the observation that Swift uses abnormally long sentences in A Modest Proposal , cites a much lower sentence length from a sample from A Tale of a Tub .
27 Teachers often report that they completely switch off at the beginning of the holidays , or sleep for abnormally long periods of time for several days .
28 Summer , with its endlessly long days and grouse shooting …
29 One afternoon after an especially long session she was forced to catch a much later bus home than usual .
30 The Soviet Union 's clear lead over the USA in manned , especially long duration , space flights on the Mir space station , the ninth of which began on May 18 , 1991 , was increasingly being set against the scientific value of cheaper unmanned space probes , even though these were also subject to financial cutbacks .
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