Example sentences of "[adv] give a " in BNC.

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1 If God can not be identified with man as a product of evolution , and thereby given a credible definition , then any effort to create a new and successful conception of God will founder on the same rocks of contention that have wrecked every religion that was ever believed in .
2 By a resolution passed by 305 votes to 36 , with 41 abstentions , Gorbachev was effectively given a free hand to dictate the process of economic reform by decree , to manage the state budget , and also to supervise law and order .
3 With her hooded eyes loaded with mascara she was often likened to Myrna Loy and was eventually given a film test , a frequent occurrence for beauties in the 1920s .
4 Writers were poorly paid , rarely given a screen credit and never encouraged to take a fresh approach .
5 However , although it was not unusual for preachers to criticize social abuses and injustice , this was not necessarily given a revolutionary tone ( 230 , pp.291 , 296 ) , and the significant point about Ball was that he adapted a traditional idea to revolutionary ends .
6 Notice they are not only given a reason for observing , which , of course , gives their spectator role a frame through which to watch , but there is also a hint of some responsibility they might have to carry — a necessary engagement is then ensured .
7 I 've only given a hint of what you 'll get as a Hilton Club member .
8 I was only given a few days ' notice .
9 Although his jarred shoulder is improving , and he has been named in the side for Saturday , he is still only given a 50–50 chance of playing .
10 New technology and more international competition will eventually create more jobs than they destroy , as they have for the past two centuries , if they are only given a chance to work .
11 The British complained when they were only given a quarter of new EC fishing quotas despite providing sixty per cent of the fishing grounds .
12 Blacker Miller , still then Foreign Minister [ see above ] , was invited to address the meeting formally ( whereas San Román was only given a private hearing ) , and described the outcome as " adequate " .
13 Right , so given a choice between erm , an average , a guaranteed income of say fifty pounds per hectare right if they 're given a cer a certain , if that fifty pounds is certain every year , alright , they will choose that every time in a , er , well just yes .
14 To the knighthood , or chivalry , of the Middle Ages war had long given a sense of purpose .
15 This book is intended as a concise account of the principles of peptide chemistry for upper-level undergraduates studying chemistry and biochemistry and the author has obviously given a great deal of thought to the needs of his readers .
16 Now , she realised , she did n't much give a damn .
17 I go about in a wheelchair and someone who pushes it very often goes into a shop and says , ‘ Look here , you have bought rather a lot of things I think you had better give a cheque for them — now I ? I write the cheque out , dear , and you shall sign it . ’
18 Perhaps , when he 'd dropped her , he 'd better give a little thought to damage limitation and the covering of his tracks .
19 We can merely give a number of examples .
20 This chapter can only give a broad outline of BM and further reading is certainly justified at this stage .
21 Secondly , any subset of a lexicon , whether from a dictionary or word list , can only give a partial , and perhaps unrepresentative , view of language .
22 I assume you are using a proper aquarium sea salt mix , as other salts , while providing the correct specific gravity ( 1.002 ) , will only give a neutral pH , whereas you need 7.6–8.0 .
23 This , of course , could only give a very broad idea of the scope of the research .
24 This table can only give a general feel of the capacity of the corpus to cover the transitions likely to arise in unseen text .
25 Had n't she had enough of men for the moment , without being stupid enough to allow herself the folly of being attracted to a man who could n't basically give a damn whether she existed or not ?
26 It also helps to vary the shapes of the flowers as well as their colours : for example , hydrangeas are much more pointed in shape than roses , and the petals of potentillas are widely spaced and so give a more pronounced petal shape .
27 ‘ A huge , broad smile exercises 27 muscles , so give a series of very exaggerated ones , but do n't hold them too long .
28 They are the people who will benefit the most , if they will tolerate it ; so give a diuretic and add a beta blocker if you feel it is indicated .
29 Once more , you want to aim with your research not just to acquire enough facts spread over your pages to give a feeling of the times , but to acquire so many that you have enough and to spare and can choose among your store for the one that does more than merely give a notion of the time you are writing about .
30 TEST_MODE — is an input parameter specifying whether the procedure is to enter all eligible modules ( TEST_MODE = FALSE ) or only give a report of what modules could be entered ( TEST_MODE = TRUE ) .
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