Example sentences of "[adv] when it " in BNC.

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1 It said ‘ Danger ’ , but a big piece of the signboard had broken off , so perhaps when it wass whole it said ‘ Dangerfield ’ , not just ‘ Danger ’ . ’
2 The need for a database administrator is clearly recognised in the methodology , although the role is often filled late in the life of the project , perhaps when it is too late .
3 They continue to fall away alarmingly when it comes to formal examinations and so decrease their own chances of gaining stimulating and challenging employment .
4 Leroy Brown , at one stage a prodigious sprinter , reflected on a career which never materialized : ‘ I just do n't know why I could n't put it together when it mattered .
5 The old warrior had steered the realm of Ulthuan through its greatest crisis and held the kingdom together when it could have easily splintered and been conquered .
6 We spent a day together when it was finished because I knew there was going to be a fuss .
7 I mean the management are quite prepared to stick together when it comes to getting grants as the Ffestiniog Slate Company .
8 The humble raisin has been around for at least 2,000 years , but it has n't always been very popular — particularly in the US where novelty is all when it comes to food .
9 What they do not see , of course , are the tears at the sheer frustration of it all when it hits home at two in the morning .
10 All when it started , and off I went , I never looked back , I never looked up at all .
11 Fokine said that every ‘ phrase of his dance was a gesture ’ , and explained : ‘ Undoubtedly an arabesque has many meanings but only when it appears as an idealised gesture .
12 Only when it was in the net did I realise what size it was and it weighed 26 ob 8 oz , ’ added John who went on to bank five other pike , two of 8 lb 8 oz , and others of 10 lb , 11lb and 14 lb .
13 A surplus is an embarrassment only when it is subsidised : unsubsidised , it becomes an export success .
14 Mr Delors claims that ‘ binding procedures ’ do not break the principle of ‘ subsidiarity ’ — the idea that decisions should be taken at EC level only when it makes sense to do so .
15 Only when it comes to the nuclear deterrent or matters of top intelligence-gathering is the short-term commercial approach deliberately shelved .
16 He prepares to do so , and only when it is clear that he will obey the divine command does God at the last moment spare his son and tell him to kill a sheep instead .
17 It will be recalled that , according to this theory , a stimulus is held to be fully effective only when it is able to generate the Al ( primary activation ) state in the node that constitutes its central representation .
18 In particular , a stimulus can come to acquire associative strength as a CS only when it is represented in the A1 state in company with another active node — excitatory conditioning will occur when the US node is in A1 ; inhibitory conditioning when the US node is in A2 ( see Chapter 1 ) .
19 Appropriate feedback is vital in the patient 's relearning process , so he receives praise only when it is deserved : if he fails in any way , the physiotherapist remains encouraging and positive about it , but shows him how and why he went wrong , or she may simply leave that task for the moment and return to it later , when the patient can concentrate and get it right .
20 It is clear that time will be allowed for improvements to be carried out and only when it is clear that there is no prospect of the business in question being able to operate without causing an odour , which amounts to a statutory nuisance , will the court permit the issue of a writ of sequestration for contempt of court , in committing breaches of the undertaking not to cause a statutory nuisance , thus closing the business down without compensation .
21 They were contained in the liquid membrane ready to attach themselves to a copper ion but only when it had been reduced to Cu + .
22 He said that the government would consider developing community radio only when it knows the outcome of the 1984 conference .
23 Stress becomes harmful only when it exceeds our ability to cope with the situation , or when it continues unrelieved over a prolonged period .
24 Only when it is totally convinced that the danger is past will the snake finally and with great caution start to move away .
25 To make matters even more complicated , there are two quite distinct kinds of mood-change , for the cat 's pupils will become greatly enlarged not only when it sees something pleasant but also when it sees something terribly threatening .
26 If the trouble has started and does not look like stopping , the best solution is to provide an immaculately clean tray of fresh litter , place it in a quiet corner , and then shut the animal up in that particular room , releasing it only when it has used the tray in the approved manner .
27 A crack the size of the Grand Canyon streaked up the drive , stopping only when it reached the garage doors .
28 Only when it is actualized through classroom activity can it have an effect on learning .
29 Only when it became totally apparent that she would never reform and was bent on self-destruction for both of them did he leave her for the younger and more stable Lauren Bacall .
30 They also claim that forgiveness produces reconciliation only when it is preceded by repentance .
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