Example sentences of "[adv] up to " in BNC.

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1 It estimates that 42,000 people will leave this year , 55,000 next year , and perhaps up to 60,000 the year after .
2 ( ii ) Second reading In his discussions with the Leader of the House relating to the Bill , the Minister will have arranged for certain times ( usually a day or two , but perhaps up to eight days ) to have been set aside for the second reading debate .
3 Fixed-sum versus running-account : an obvious distinction between credit for a fixed amount of money ( such as HP , fixed loans of money ) and credit , perhaps up to a fixed ceiling , which may fluctuate up and down depending on what the borrower draws or pays in ( such as shop budget accounts , credit cards , bank overdrafts ) .
4 They are also exploring with solvency regulators the possibility of advancing current-year profits , which would not normally be paid out until 1996 — perhaps up to 5% of names ' underwriting limits .
5 An ordinary page printer can , of course , only produce a black and white image which can incorporate a few levels of grey , perhaps up to 16 for a 300dpi PostScript printer .
6 The surface of each of the dendrites which branch out from the neuronal cell body is covered with synapses — perhaps up to ten thousand in all — arising from the other neurons which thus make contact with them .
7 Moving averages would normally be used for short term forecasting , perhaps up to a maximum of a few ( say 3 to 6 ) months ahead .
8 This assumes that patterns and trends which can be identified in past ( historical ) sets of data may be projected forward , especially under stable economic , market and organisational conditions , for the purpose of forecasting perhaps up to one year ahead .
9 Four federal agents and perhaps up to 15 cult members died .
10 And it 's perhaps up to the new civilian C P O to go to the likes of Mick and say I ca n't do this , I have not been trained to do it yet , until I have been trained to do it perhaps P C should continue using his skills .
11 There will be other forms of contingency strategy , where home care spending — perhaps up to one-third of the overall allocation — is deliberately held back until the residential and nursing home spend settles down into a recognisable pattern .
12 I 've had a lot of problems with that , so I basically say do n't use it , whether you try or not is basically up to you .
13 Walking thoughtfully up to her room , she sat on the bed .
14 ’ He seemed to sigh , and his eyes went starkly up to the spear-point .
15 He added that it was entirely up to her whether she chose to assist .
16 ‘ It is entirely up to the local education authority to decide what it considered to be the child 's needs , ’ the judge said .
17 At sixteen or seventeen many adolescents in the sample were considered old enough to make up their own minds about issues such as smoking , exercise , and diet ; it was often left entirely up to them to contact doctors , dentists , and sometimes schools for undiscovered GCSE results .
18 ‘ Well , it would be entirely up to you to decide whether that really is the best way to go about solving this problem .
19 But , but , BUT … it is entirely up to you to find these faults , if they exist , and to report them before the particular guarantee periods expire — and how can you do this without a structural survey ?
20 Entirely up to you — if he goes there , it will cost you a heck of a lot of money .
21 Where the tail goes from there is entirely up to the driver .
22 If only one partner is Catholic , permission to marry in a non-Catholic church may be given but is entirely up to the discretion of the priest .
23 When you eat and how often you eat is entirely up to you as long as you keep to the correct calorie total and aim for the right fibre total .
24 That will be entirely up to you . ’
25 ‘ It is entirely up to you whether you can gradually raise yourself to the highest position of eminence ever achieved by a musician … whether you choose to leave this world having been ensnared by a skirt , forced to lie on straw and shut up with an attic-full of starving children , or whether , after a Christian life , you go full of satisfaction , honour and glory , your family well provided for , and your name revered by all . ’
26 Then , whether you buy anything further is entirely up to you .
27 Whether or not you make a LIVING WILL is entirely up to you .
28 Your event can be as big or small as you like — it 's entirely up to you .
29 The ratio of net-to club-armed Netters is entirely up to you : you could have all clubs , all nets or a mixture of the two .
30 You do not have to take any detachments if you do not wish to do so ; it is entirely up to you .
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