Example sentences of "[adv] that for " in BNC.

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1 If full airbrakes are needed for more than a few seconds , and it looks as though they should be kept on , sideslipping should be used to get rid of the excess height so that for the last part of the approach less than full airbrake approach is required .
2 Confused data on peasant landownership and family size made it virtually impossible to make accurate assessments , so that for many provinces only half of the taxable land per head was in fact recorded in the tax lists .
3 In Eliot 's poem the status of God as objet d'art is stressed ( ‘ And there above the painter set / The Father and the Paraclete ’ ) so that for all that we may penetrate beyond that either to gesso ground or vestiges of primitive fertility ceremony , the ultimate point of origin , the postulated God , is to be explained simply in terms of sexuality , or else remains unreachable and inexplicable .
4 Concerned at the rapid expansion of the hunt , and the declining stocks of small cetaceans around the coastline , the Iwate Prefecture in January 1989 instituted a licensing system , so that for the first time ever , the hunt could be regulated .
5 If the degree of rotation was very small , so that for each dot the nearest neighbour is its own image , this would not be surprising : all that need be done is to draw imaginary lines between all pairs of nearest neighbours , and those lines will circle the centre of rotation .
6 The ‘ I ’ at one and the same time transcends the body ( so that for instance we talk of our bodies as something separate from ourselves and say that we ‘ have ’ them rather than ‘ are ’ them ) and is immanent or present in the body .
7 A good feature of the Solution is that it offers flexibility in the depth of the decompression range , so that for an indicated ceiling of three metres it will accept that you are in the correct range if you are between nine and three metres depth .
8 He also became President of the Royal Society , so that for 5 years he led its activities in nurturing British science and ripening its fruits .
9 Although in the sixth century the Byzantine Emperor Justinian 's great generals Belisarius and Narses succeeded in reconquering much of the west , so that for a time the Mediterranean again became a Roman lake , in the following century Europe faced a dangerous new enemy .
10 Deeper down , though , the main mass cools down much more slowly , so that for weeks afterwards the core of the flow will be red hot , with the glow visible from time to time when small collapses take place .
11 On the other hand most research materials are retained in stock indefinitely , so that for any work where the condition has seriously deteriorated the tendency is to bind rather than to discard .
12 The strong simplicity of his ideas about life and the universe made it easy to link him with other men of understanding , so that for me the book seemed to be ringing with echoes of Hamlet and Richard Jefferies and the New Testament .
13 At the same time , in political terms , Costa Rica has been drawn much more closely into the US sphere of influence during the 1980s , moving away from the neutral stance it previously took , so that for a time it was one of the host countries for the US-backed Nicaraguan Contras .
14 Similar problems afflict outdoor pigs , so that for both species the problems of welfare are less straightforward than cage-haters will allow .
15 At the Food Research Institute Dr David Southgate , who has made a special study of dietary fibre and whose research is the source of the scientific textbook fibre figures , has provided analytical values for the dietary fibre in a range of usefully fibre-rich canned and packaged foods , so that for the first time these products , which form such a major part of modern eating , can be realistically assessed and used for health value .
16 In choosing between the goals towards which I spontaneously tend , I may find myself being excited more strongly by what I perceive here and now than by what I imagine from other viewpoints , so that for example a present amusement obliterates consciousness of a future danger .
17 Many people shopping by mail order are ‘ agents ’ and get ten per cent commission on their orders ; this obviously offsets any higher price they are paying , so that for them mail order credit is truly free .
18 The Workbooks mirror the Student 's Books so that for every Student 's Book unit , there is a parallel page of Workbook exercises .
19 As volumes increase , royalties decrease , so that for single-user Intel machines , bundled and unbundled , the respective payments are : $12 and $24 for 100,000 to 250,000 units ; $9 and $20 for 250,000 to 500,000 units ; $6 and $12 for 500,000 to 1m units and $5 and $10 over 1m units .
20 With a Newtonian reflector , therefore , the observer looks into the tube rather than up it , so that for pointing to a planet or a star it is usually helpful to have a small refracting telescope mounted on to the side of the tube to act as a finder .
21 The period is 313 days , and the range from 5.4 to 10.5 , so that for much of the time it is out of binocular range .
22 It has a period of 431 days , and a range of between 5.5 and 13 , so that for most of the time it is well below binocular range .
23 The range is from 5.7 to 8.6 , so that for almost all the time it is easy to see with binoculars .
24 Moore joins in , so that for a brief couple of seconds we sound like a small cracked tribute to Sir Harry Secombe .
25 ‘ After the tent blew down we renegotiated the situation so that for 11 performances they would receive the same fee .
26 For example I shall later consider Bultmann , who has no classical two-nature Christology , but who says of Jesus , as of no other , that this was the man whom God raised from the dead ; so that for him this man 's resurrection becomes the pivot of history .
27 She pronounces ‘ liver ’ with a long vowel , so that for a second he thinks she is asking if he likes geese saliva .
28 Structuralism may be employed to excavate the principles of classification and order which unite what on the surface appear as highly disparate domains , so that for a particular society food preparation , kinship and myth may be revealed as transformations of each other .
29 Cyrene , like Syracuse , was culturally cosmopolitan , so that for instance its art owes a clear debt to Athens , witness the bronze head from the mid-fifth century , in the style of Phidias ( Chamoux , Cyrene , plate xxiv , 3–4 ) ; it was multi-racial , so that the sixth-century reformer Demonax allowed one tribe for the native ‘ dwellers round about ’ , as well as one for the old Greek settlers and one for new arrivals ( Hdt. iv.161 , cp. 159.4 ) .
30 The sense of disappointment was as sharp as a blow , painful out of all proportion , so much so that for a moment I was almost angry with him for not being there .
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