Example sentences of "[adv] do he " in BNC.

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1 By so doing he originated a style of dance which owed its liveliness to the way such people behaved and danced in real life .
2 In so doing he also gave his blessing to — what in effect proved to be the case — declaring the Transkei , or at least Bumbane , the first ANC liberated zone , however fleetingly , yesterday afternoon .
3 In so doing he found another character , John Higgs , who became central to his development .
4 In so doing he has provided a book which has been a tremendous help to pastors in every generation since , up to and including the present day .
5 Hardy firmly believed that it was his duty to face up to the unpleasant aspects of life , if by so doing he could show sympathy with his fellow man and , perhaps , after all , offer hope for improvement in the future .
6 Nourse LJ thought it worth mentioning Lord Blackburn 's comment , based on Blackstone , that ‘ the sheriff also was bound to raise the hue and cry , and call out the posse comitatus of the county whenever it was necessary for any police purposes ; in so doing he was acting for the Crown ’ .
7 In so doing he also rediscovers Pip , whom he lures to a disused lime-kiln with the intention of killing him , but in the nick of time is frustrated by Herbert , Startop , and Trabb 's boy .
8 By so doing he provides her with some immunity against the chronic depression which afflicts so many mothers of pre-school age children , and which in turn undermines their abilities as parents .
9 In so doing he creates a problem that has not yet been solved .
10 In so doing he was supporting the ideas of Immanuel Velikovsky ( 1895–1979 ) , one of the earliest of the modern breed of pseudo scientists .
11 And in so doing he has given us the joyrider 's equivalent of Neil Young 's ‘ Tonight 's The Night ’ , The Pogues ' ‘ Hell 's Ditch ’ and the Stones ' ‘ Exile On Main Street ’ — one of those awful black records to turn to when you 're feeling at your most morbid .
12 In so doing he is generally able to avoid criticisms laid against classical liberalism concerning both its atomistic conception of the human condition and the moral status of the theory .
13 In crisis situations , the initiative inevitably rests with the executive — it is the president who authorizes immediate military responses and in so doing he may not be as carefully respectful of the Constitution as some purists would like .
14 In so doing he may come as near as he can ever hope to an understanding of war as people of the late Middle Ages knew it , no easy task even in the most favourable conditions , but one which can not be attempted with any hope of success without a proper appreciation of the many threads which make up history .
15 By so doing he changed the very character of the conflict , for through the creation of a wider involvement in its success he tried to ensure that he , and his successors , would have broad support for the continued involvement of England and Englishmen in France .
16 In so doing he triggered a theological storm that led to his resignation .
17 In so doing he became a symbol of the age , and his poetry became its echoing music — with its brooding grandeur as well as its bleakness , its plangency as well as its ellipses , its rhythmical strength as well as its theatrical equivocations .
18 In so doing he permitted Isis to reveal the name to her son Horus but ordered that it must not be told to anyone else .
19 What would be the point of his striving for good repute in the House if in so doing he had to risk losing his seat ?
20 In so doing he emphasised the need for accountability at all levels of the system .
21 At one point he rephrases the central dilemma of innovation and in so doing he implies that the most important characteristic of a school 's internal organisation is a ‘ collaborative professional relationship ’ among teachers .
22 Firstly , he used a telescope to observe the heavens , and in so doing he transformed the observational data that the Copernican theory was required to explain .
23 " In so doing he shall give consideration to the interests of employees and the travelling public " .
24 In so doing he founded modern British orthopaedics .
25 He kept in check the political and economic expectations of his people , but in so doing he may well have placed a burden on his young and untried successor , the fourteen-year-old Makhostive , his son by Ntombi Latfwala , who was queen regent of Swaziland from 1983 until the prince was crowned in April 1986 .
26 ( Since he had no initial asset endowment , anyone else could have done what he did ; again , he was able to do what he did only because in so doing he was offering both to those from whom he bought and to those to whom he sells opportunities more attractive than those offered by others . )
27 In so doing he became the first US President since Harry S. Truman to veto a major spending bill .
28 In so doing he seems to have been acting in concert with a Roman official called Seronatus .
29 In so doing he combined the religious culture of Lérins and the rhetorical culture of Late Antiquity more successfully than had Sidonius .
30 In so doing he was continuing a tradition which looked back to Sidonius , and to the social traditions of the late Roman aristocracy .
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