Example sentences of "[adv] a new " in BNC.

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1 At the top of the pillar , the 26-year-old guide picked up a new sack of food and popped across to the Freney face to solo a new direct version of the Central Pillar ( Chris Bonington 's finest hour ) .
2 Suddenly a new perspective began to open before the young Prince ; he could not only dream of a Bonapartist cause , he could himself become the representative of that cause .
3 Suddenly a new aspect appears beyond the obvious and very gradually takes form .
4 Then quite suddenly a new design starts up .
5 But , as the editor Andre Fontaine explains : ‘ It is not so much a new layout as a new presentation .
6 Gloucestershire will go into 1990 , hoping for improved results on the field , with a new resolve — and very much a new look .
7 It was not so much a new view as an old view applied to new problems .
8 Not so much a new as an old product note !
9 A local authority may therefore bring proceedings : ( i ) to prevent parents from removing a child accommodated by the local authority under voluntary arrangements where a return home is likely to harm the child significantly ; ( ii ) to protect a child who has been significantly harmed in the past where this is likely to happen again because , for example , a parent is known to abuse in certain recurring circumstances ; ( iii ) to protect a child who has never been harmed where the family history clearly places him at risk , eg a new born or a child reaching an age at which other children in the family have been harmed .
10 ( d ) The hybrid situation It is sometimes agreed between the parties to a marriage that the matrimonial home ( or the husband 's interest therein ) be transferred to the wife and a third party ( eg a new husbandsee Chapter 5 ) .
11 Only this time they 're armed not just with a new album but new producers , new horizons , a new attitude and apparently a new code of conduct in interviews .
12 Although incorporating some features of the previous 1963 edition , this was basically a new form of contract and by implication was intended by the JCT to be used on contracts exceeding £250,000 in value .
13 Spoil-sports maintain that IR is merely a new name for what companies have been muddling along at anyway : arranging meetings between management and institutions , co-ordinating the annual general meeting , and producing the annual report .
14 It was merely a new version of an old horror , less tenable than the dreams of childhood , a more rational , more adult terror .
15 But the madrigal was not merely a new art form — it had nothing in common with the trecento madrigal except the name — but a landmark in a revolution of which we have already seen the beginnings in the frottole and laudi spirituali and occasional passages in the Italian-influenced northerners from Dufay onward .
16 He resisted , however , the notion that the polytechnics were merely a new breed of university .
17 If there 's a rise compared with the same quarter last year , could there be a good reason , perhaps a new baby or a recently retired person spending more time at home ?
18 Perhaps a new young star would make his insistent mark on the golfing heavens ; or , more likely , one of the top dozen or so established golfers would add to his bank balance .
19 The CBF says that it wants ‘ a new look , and perhaps a new name , to go with a new approach ’ .
20 Do n't make the mistake of thinking that any changes must be major ones , on a smaller scale it 's amazing what a few new accessories will achieve — paintings and prints , plants , perhaps a new round table with a floor-length cloth on it , a small but eye-catching rug , some concealed uplights in the corner ( see pages 37 and 39 ) .
21 Perhaps a new issue of tickets was ordered rather than an alteration to the printed price , although I do have one example of an altered price .
22 Ideally , farmers would like to grow the larvae from eggs , and so a new industry — prawn hatcheries — has grown up to meet the demand .
23 At this point , the builder on whose estimate the scheme was based went into liquidation , so a new contractor had to be found .
24 So a new tactic was adopted and each put in £10 , raising a further £200 to £300 from friends .
25 We might , for example , find that in a particular residential area there are unexpectedly large numbers of households with ‘ lodgers ’ and so we might want to add this as a specific category in the household composition ; or we might find that on an attitude question views are rather more extreme than we had anticipated and so a new response category could be usefully put in to save us noting responses under ‘ Others , specify … ’ in many cases .
26 Just as you were shown round the Home when you first came to work there , so a new resident should also be taken round and made to feel welcome .
27 So a new factor must be introduced .
28 In fact , John Mumford 's view would be that just as the church needed a new model for healing ( and it was in some degree provided when John Wimber and his team came to train church leaders from many different denominations and streams in England ) , so a new model is needed for evangelistic ministry .
29 A dial gives you the running total of the amount of gallons the cartridge has deal with , so a new one can be ordered in good time .
30 As kite rallies began to get into the full swing of a tightly packed annual diary of events from the early 1980s , so a new trend developed .
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