Example sentences of "[adv] [subord] a " in BNC.

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1 Very soon , soccer grounds became ‘ advertised ’ as somewhere where a good fight was guaranteed , hence their appeal to the ‘ rough ’ sections of society .
2 This can be done , however , only where a taxpayer 's total income is below the level of their personal allowances .
3 Sheer cliffs , 300–400 feet high , defend the island , relenting only where a breach permits landings to be made at a small beach ; nearby an ancient graveyard and ruined crofts are relics of a former occupation .
4 The appeal lies only where a point of law is involved .
5 Only where a significant source of pollution stops suddenly — a large factory closing down , a new sewage treatment works being opened — will a striking improvement in water quality be discernible .
6 However , self-build schemes are really possible only where a number of energetic persons , usually young , coincide .
7 Many lines were laid only where a considerable volume of traffic ( passenger and goods ) was assured .
8 In an attempt to secure such a reduction , national guide-lines were issued in October 1990 , which identified a number of offence-specific factors that would justify a committal , but only where a magistrates ' court feels that its sentencing powers are insufficient .
9 Both replication and review can be carried out only where a full and detailed record of the original experiment is provided .
10 There is a power to make an award only where a party has acted frivolously , vexatiously or otherwise unreasonably , either for a fixed sum or for taxed costs .
11 ‘ Opting out ’ will also be permitted , but only where a school seeks ‘ grant-maintained integrated status ’ , and chooses to progress towards full integration of Protestant and Roman Catholic pupils .
12 Hindu teachings allow abortion only where a pregnancy constitutes a danger to the mother 's life , Islamic law allows abortion up to as late as 120 days and under Jewish law the foetus is regarded as a subsidiary of the mother and abortion is permitted as long as a number of doctors recommend it .
13 She looked up suddenly where a shower of blossom swirled from the cherry-boughs .
14 The timber poles that have been illustrated here are ideal for retaining soil , especially where a rather tight curved wall is needed .
15 For some , the fist was an alternative to the stick , especially where a conflict with a buck had taken on the form of a personal feud .
16 Sexual jealousy may play a part in their reactions , especially where a new partner is brought into the home before marriage .
17 Cats have long memories , especially where a nasty shock is concerned , and may remember a bad experience of this kind for years afterwards .
18 Also , because teeth are on display , treatment usually contains an element of risk and — especially where a dog is aggressive towards its owners or third parties — it must be individually tailored to the family , taking careful account of how the dog is behaving at all times .
19 Admissions do not always take place in ideal circumstances , especially where a crisis has arisen .
20 Any attempt to grapple with a holist theory will therefore have to separate its holist character from its other features , and especially where a theory is weak , it will be important to see whether the deficiency is the result of its being holist , or is due to something else .
21 Surface pumps are preferable for some water gardens , especially where a relatively high ‘ head ’ of water is necessary , this ‘ head ’ being the vertical distance between water level and the highest point of discharge .
22 We keep a note of any problems and arrange follow-up if necessary , especially where a module has been refused certification . ’
23 Textbooks may of course also include original ideas , so the distinction becomes blurred ( especially where a textbook does n't tell you where it is offering contentious interpretations ) .
24 In this context a clause limiting remedies — for example , excluding or limiting the retailer 's right to reject the goods , is probably more likely to be reasonable , than a wider clause excluding liability , especially where a total exclusion would have the effect of requiring the retailer to satisfy product liability claims arising where the goods prove defective due to the manufacturer 's negligence .
25 Contrary to some popular images , normally this does not seem to be reversed in a significant way during the last years of life of the older generation , except perhaps where a person receives substantial personal care , but is not in a position to repay it through bequests after their death .
26 One might focus particular attention on stress points in the day , perhaps where a mismatch of perception between individuals or even outright conflict occurred .
27 The question here is what must a firm disclose to its customers in order to permit its broker/dealer department to sell or buy stock off its own book to or from a " fiduciary customer " ( ie a customer to whom fiduciary duties are owed , eg where a broker acts as agent ) ?
28 Similar difficulties are likely to arise where a provision has more than one status ; eg where a procedure is treated , for some purposes , as also being a rule .
29 It would occupy a fairly modest 2U of rack space , larger perhaps than a couple of its contemporaries , but it has the advantage of a distinctly uncluttered look about it .
30 But at last there was a kind of to and fro between them , more like a tennis match perhaps than a genuine conversation , with words being patted back and forth , but Rose at least was grateful for it .
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