Example sentences of "[adv] [to-vb] more " in BNC.

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1 Let's all work together to promote more fostering , get the children into family environments wherever possible .
2 We launched this draw not only to encourage more people to enjoy ‘ old York ’ , but also to give them the opportunity to experience the excitement of New York . ’
3 Eventually supergrains of matter coalesced until the rocky fragments became large enough to attract more materials with gravity accreting at a faster and faster rate until they became full-sized planets .
4 Thank God her college was n't yet fashionable enough to attract more than the odd one or two .
5 You 'd do better to buy more shares in the market — if you really want more .
6 But she opened the door just like I wanted and I shot through to the living room only to encounter more men in dark clothes , too many for me to tolerate .
7 So now the pressure on the broker is not only to do more business but to do it in exactly their way . ’
8 There was a time , I think , in the late sixties , when erm the education service did itself very little good by going along with the general mythology that you had only to put more money into the schools to service , to solve all social problems .
9 In a contested election , however , it was impossible to do much with direct patronage , even if such were available , for there was never enough to do more than grease the palms of a handful of venal men , most of whom were to be found in the burgh councils .
10 They slept then , tucked up around one another , waking several times during the night , but rarely for long enough to do more than acknowledge the other 's presence .
11 ‘ We do n't believe that these adverts are specific enough to do more than stimulate people 's interest in our general services , ’ said .
12 But we ought perhaps to give more attention to another fact .
13 Paige had raised her eyebrows at Lori 's claim , but had said nothing , because to give her an opening was only to invite more of the same .
14 They seem to draw back in an arch only to get more vigour into the attack .
15 For much of the century , their daily rate had been fixed by statute , initially in 1721 at 2s or 2s 6d ( 10-12½p ) per day , but they were hardly ever able to find employment constant enough to earn more than 9s ( 45p ) a week , and in their slack months even less .
16 Meanwhile farmers who run tourist attractions have got together to bring more visitors to the area .
17 The skilled negotiator , on the other hand , asks questions not only to gain more information and understanding but also as an alternative to disagreeing bluntly and as a means of putting forward suggestions ( ie possible courses of action said as questions .
18 He has already signed joint-venture deals with France 's Aerospatiale to make helicopters and with America 's Pratt & Whitney to make aero-engines , and he thinks that his company is now big enough to strike more such international agreements .
19 The authorities ( the government operating through the Bank of England ) could impose statutory minimum reserve requirements on the banks to prevent them choosing to reduce their liquidity ratio and choosing thereby to create more credit .
20 Other people can be motivated into activity year-in-year-out just to acquire more and more money .
21 On the contrary , it is a consortium of humanities scholars the likes of which we need anyway to establish more and better contact with .
22 Two other grandmothers who came on regular visits , one ‘ very generous ’ and the other an eloquent ‘ martinet ’ , died too soon to leave more than a dim recollection . ’
23 In winter when she entertained she would send him outside to chop more wood for their open fire .
24 Now there is no definition of what 's small erm erm is erm in er P P G er thirteen and perhaps Mr Curtis could help us in due course erm on an assumption that the new settlement was somewhat larger that th what the County Council is proposing , whether that would erm change the view of York City Council , I I think there is another factor again I could be corrected on this by Mr Curtis and this tended to come out in the greenbelt local plan enquiry , er and that York City Council seem progressively to place more importance on peripheral development than on the new settlement strategy
25 He had gone away to get more ammunition and fired twice more .
26 I was standing up , offering to go downstairs to get more drinks , and glancing out of the window when I saw Jo .
27 Absolutely , just to make more points , they made a few things up , ex , absolutely .
28 Total orders for the second quarter , to April 30 , were 28.5% up at $5,370m ; orders for computer products rose 32.9% to $4,120m , making it clear that the company , where computers accounted for less than half of the business only a few years back , is continuing progressively to become more and more a pure computer company .
29 Total orders for the second quarter , to April 30 , were 28.5% up at $5,370m ; orders for computer products rose 32.9% to $4,120m , making it clear that the company , where computers accounted for less than half of the business only a few years back , is continuing progressively to become more and more a pure computer company .
30 But the initial effect of economic reforms there could very well be , as in the USSR , to worsen economic conditions , and thus to make more people want to leave .
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