Example sentences of "[adv] [to-vb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 A pipe feeding the power steering system came adrift on the climb oil to pump out of the hydraulic system , and Fisher seized the opportunity to start building a lead that was eventually to carry him to a record fourth successive Lakes victory .
2 She will go back eventually to continue her studies there .
3 The University has committed substantial additional resources for IT in 1993–4 in order effectively to implement its long-term strategic plans for IT .
4 We knew very little about these last clients of the season except that they were two attorneys and a proctologist , all from Georgia and all vacationing with their wives , and we also knew that one of the wives was a vegetarian and that the proctologist hated pasta , but beyond that our guests were utter strangers and so we waited nervously to see what kind of people would be our companions and paymasters for the next week .
5 A mother 's task is thus not to create something out of nothing but rather to dovetail her behaviour to that of the infant 's . [ … ]
6 We might have been a lot wiser if , presumably to preserve their privacy , they had n't always used English in front of Maria .
7 Somewhere to treat yourself or buy that special gift .
8 The organisers of the conference had amassed the hundreds of rights suggested under 17 different principles , hoping eventually to amalgamate them into a single-page charter and a declaration similar to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights .
9 John Wesley edited an abridged edition and used it widely to support his sermons .
10 As you climb by the road , you see a ring of mountains to your right which you might easily take to be the Cirque de Troumouse , but this is in fact yet a third cirque , that of Estaubé , intermediate between Gavarnie and Troumouse , imposing in its own right if too withdrawn properly to enclose you , as a good cirque should .
11 Instead of using complicated measurements involving colour purity , resolution etc. to compare their performance I simply used each monitor for a day .
12 When the old Major , so soon to die , had travelled secretly to see his son and meet her , she recognized his courtesy because he was a gentleman , but there was no welcome and no warmth in him .
13 Realising that his visitor was no ordinary mortal , the watchman did not challenge him but jumping to his feet he kept his eyes fixed firmly on the intruder , hoping thereby to induce him to retire .
14 The main point I want to make is that the only justification for treating the sick and injured wild animal is to be able eventually to restore it to its wild existence .
15 This woman violates the taboo of not touching any man when in a state of impurity by secretly touching his garment , hoping thereby to heal herself .
16 ‘ Sarella ? ’ he murmured , shifting his weight a little to enable her to continue her first tentative exploration .
17 I am writing hurriedly to you but I have thought it right to apprize you of this …
18 Yes , Elizabeth Howell of Exploring Parenthood , certainly that is the case , both with parents and with people like teachers or child care workers , who are in locus parentis for many hours of the day , and our sense is very much that if the adults around children can feel supported and confident that they can acknowledge their own fears and anxieties that they will then be better be able to transmit that measured response to the children in their care and it was very interesting last week , I heard from an educational psychologist in the north of England who said that a group of teachers had asked from several schools to come together to think about the resources that they needed to set in place in order to deal with the children 's behaviour , and after the meeting , at which they were able to express their anxieties , they then returned to their various areas and when the psychologist contacted them a couple of days later they said we felt sufficiently supported by knowing that others are struggling with the same issues and that we could acknowledge our concerns about it , that we now feel able to get on with the job of helping the children , and I think that was a very good example of adults finding a way to acknowledge their own anxieties and thereby to increase their effectiveness in dealing with the children that in whose care they have .
19 She hopped down to the floor , but it seemed further away than she had expected and now suddenly it was rising up crazily to meet her .
20 Another officer was called , and I was carried away , with much clanking of keys , eventually to find myself in a small room , where I was dumped in a negligent way on a table .
21 In 1931 , Horton visited Denmark to look more closely at the Folk Schools and their relationships with the trade unions , farmers ' co-operatives , and other cultural and social movements , and though he was in part disappointed by the fact that the Folk Schools had moved away from their original aims and methods , he was able to speak to many people who were involved in this movement and added another dimension to the idea which was eventually to find its expression in Highlander .
22 She had no idea how exhausted she would be , how lethargic , and she opened her eyes slowly to find him watching her , his breathing still ragged .
23 As it was , Kim Il Sung worked successfully to establish his authority .
24 He was still doing it over an hour later , frantically trying to remember everything and wishing he had somewhere to write it all down , when there was a sound of feet running up the stairs .
25 Jolyon Jenkins ' selective and tendentious ramblings through old news ( ‘ Crying out for Argentina ’ , 3 April ) do little to provide your readership with the sort of balanced and impartial view of the Falklands they surely deserve .
26 However , on Jan. 7 Russian Federation President Boris Yeltsin declared that what he called the " budget war " was not over , and that although his republic had agreed effectively to increase its contribution to Rbs78,000 million by funding specific all-union programmes , the central government was still demanding an additional Rbs27,000 million .
27 According to Mensa , some parents resent their child 's special ability and do little to encourage their offspring 's special gifts .
28 They acknowledged that if emancipation were eventually to come it would require the moral progress and demographic increase consequent upon a conscious policy of a more equal sex ratio amongst slaves ; education and religious instruction ; the reorganisation of the work of the slaves to provide a progressive increase in the time devoted to autonomous labour from which earnings could be directed to self-purchase ; possibly too recognition of obligations to the former master even after the date of legal emancipation .
29 James was trying slowly to work something out in his mind .
30 Ellwood gritted his teeth against the weight of water , trying furiously to work his arms and legs against the deadlock of cramp .
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