Example sentences of "[adv] [vb pp] what " in BNC.

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1 The strategy effectively neutralised what the Conservatives had hoped would be a vote-winner with an electorate wary about an upsurge in union power under Labour if it could be made an issue .
2 Then , at the beginning of September , Prime Minister Giral was forced to resign by intense pressure from the Socialist and Communist Parties , whose leaders bitterly criticized what they saw as the Left Republicans ' incompetent handling of the Republican war effort , accusing them of having lost control of the situation .
3 Achieving a personal style became his ultimate photographic ambition , and under the influence of Josef Herman , a Polish photographer who spent many years in Wales documenting the lives of the coal miners , he paid his first visit to The National Gallery , where he gazed at the Old Masters and eventually formed what he called ‘ a concept of total image ’ .
4 Before independence , Zimbabwe competed for and successfully gathered what had been Zambia 's crown of regional leadership against South AFrica .
5 Another aspiring actress bitterly resented what she considered to be interference from Bloomsbury House .
6 But there is evidence that working class women bitterly resented what they regarded as middle class interference .
7 Finally MIND bitterly attacked what they believed to be the RHA 's intention to cut the Riverside budget for mental health by 45 per cent .
8 We were adjusting the seasoning in a salmon terrine , and had nervously added what we thought to be the appropriate amount .
9 HAVING finished second to France , and thereby won what the footballers used to call the Home International championship , Scotland can hardly be grudged the eight players they have in the British Isles task force for the invasion of New Zealand this summer under captain Gavin Hastings .
10 After his death Ralph especially realised what Piggy could have done if only he had been listened to .
11 Endill suddenly realised what was about to happen .
12 The shock of his words had so drained what little strength she had that for a moment she was powerless to take even one step .
13 Its owner , Toni Hobbs only realised what had happened when she saw its picture on Central News .
14 Yeah , a and in fact in the programme I th the one that Barbara was in , I can remember the er , as it happens , I , I was out er when that programme came on and I taped it so I s I , I 've still got that particular programme , and the lady at the end er on one of her questions she 'd obviously forgotten what she was going to say er and sort of made something up and er she turned to er as they were just panning away from her , she turned to her next door neighbour and more or less said I forgot what I was going to say , you know .
15 We 've only seen what we 've seen just recently in Russia ,
16 but Walter Long only noticed what they had said before they were excommunicated :
17 So far I have only said what heritability is .
18 She 's perhaps done what most working mothers do , she 's put the children first .
19 She had only done what was expected of her .
20 ‘ I have only done what lay within my power to better her lot .
21 There was some particularly strong stuff from two members from Southport , and there were references to ‘ Emily Pankhurst and her floosies ’ and , inevitably , to Mrs Thatcher — ‘ We 've all seen what can happen when women get control ’ .
22 ‘ Boy 's only got what he 's standing up in . ’
23 And it all comes over in hard black and white in his report to me , and I 've really only got what he says to go on , in that sort of case .
24 Lord Carrington , Healey 's successor in the British Ministry of Defence from 1970 , warmly commended what had been achieved since 1964 .
25 I have been constantly told what a fine man he was and I regret not being able to experience and appreciate his qualities first-hand as I have grown from a child to an adult .
26 As instructional material it is indirect in that the reader is not necessarily told what to do , as in a routine .
27 The traditional ‘ liontamer ’ approach , where people are literally told what to do and how to do it , was most evident in the arts and crafts classes .
28 Well , a lot of old folk er , I do n't think they 're much bothered what they say , they know the name of the candidates and they seemed
29 I decided that I liked Krems , and suddenly understood what it was had attracted W. H. Auden to live in rural Austria — its high camp !
30 It was only when he was lying on his pallet bed trying to pray and not be distracted by Benedicta 's fair face , that Athelstan suddenly remembered what Vincentius had said .
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