Example sentences of "[adv] [be] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The selectors knew they were playing with fire when they decided to arrange a couple of club fixtures and they have duly been consumed in a conflagration of their own making .
2 Three of its board directors have also taken on additional responsibilities and have duly been retitled group executive directors .
3 One patient ( man aged 69 ) in whom H pylori had successfully been eradicated was recalled for further study .
4 Now that the first batch of boat people has successfully been dispatched , the government intends to move swiftly to step up the deportations .
5 One patient was treated with a drug not normally used for the condition after it had successfully been tested on her blood .
6 In the last 12 months great strides have successfully been taken in maintaining a high profile and promoting the industry .
7 The Design Change ( DC ) has successfully been submitted for assessment by all interested users ; ie. all users who have a package containing any of the modules listed on the DC , managers of all modules listed on the DC and the DC submitter .
8 and MOS equipment , which again , we we 've b successfully been doing over the last two or three years .
9 He had n't been doing and er reckon he and er think I 'm and that was it so right Been driving since he was nineteen
10 I have latterly been speaking only of causal circumstances , and not causes .
11 Having worked his way up via his own live spoof chat show Vic 's Big Night Out , he has latterly been guesting on television 's One Hour With Jonathan Ross , a show whose format bears a strong resemblance to Reeves 's own showcase .
12 ‘ To the preparation of both courses of lectures I gave far more attention than I had latterly been giving at Durham . ’
13 A number of highly conserved glycines and other small residues at the C terminus of GH5 lie at or close to the turn of the β -hairpin , and presumably are required to form the hairpin without steric hindrance .
14 The Steward 's group had presumably been discovered entering the semi-ruinous domestic quarters of kitchens , bakehouse , larders and so on , at that side .
15 An understanding of why settlements are deserted and have presumably been relocated can be revealed from an examination of the chronology of the settlements and by comparison with the locational qualities of later sites .
16 Not only was the boy outnumbered in this predominantly female household — he had the additional problem of having to contend with a rather cumbersome and unusual first Christian name : Marwood James Henry Titford had presumably been named as such by way of homage to the vicar of Curry Rivel , the Rev. Charles Marwood Speke Mules .
17 The apes being taught are therefore without an evolutionarily conferred advantage that human children enjoy — that of employing learning techniques , and being initiated by their elders , in a way that has presumably been refined by selection pressures over a very long time .
18 Although the positioning of players seems wrong and choice of instruments has presumably been dictated by the need for variety in a tiny space ( the original is quite small ) much remains plausible .
19 They had presumably been drawn to Bologna as students and had stayed there to carve themselves out a teaching or professional career .
20 Years of close military co-operation , including joint work in missile development , have given Egypt valuable information about its former Iraqi ally , which has presumably been passed on to the Americans .
21 ‘ Whoever it is has presumably been coming regularly since last November so he or she must have been seen by other people .
22 With the scum playing at high flying Newcastle , a win could possibly move us to within single digit points range of the scum whose fans incidently are becoming more insufferable with every day that passes .
23 If I cry , the Monster cries — more piteously , longer , louder — not because it is sad , of course not , never out of sorrow or pity , no , merely because Jimbo has cried and thereby been noticed , for his self These scraps of attention the Monster would take from me to the last smile , the last nod , the last little pat on the head .
24 The plaintiffs contended that they had thereby been deprived of the opportunity to bid for H.F. Co. but pill J. rejected their claim because while the law certainly allowed a freedom to bid for property that was neither a ‘ business asset ’ of the plaintiffs ' nor a legal right which the law would protect .
25 Heads of departments had thereby been deprived of ‘ a large measure of independence ’ .
26 Attention has quite justifiably been drawn to the fact that we have not had anything in the way of a Teachers ' Forum for some years .
27 Tokens are listed under the phonetic variant which they realize , and additionally are assigned a label which describes the following environment ; these labels are explained as follows :
28 In the mud around the edge of the pools , the larvae of a horsefly are developing .
29 Despite US-European commercial rivalry , the American hopes of 1948 for the creation of a stable , thriving , anti-communist Europe had arguably been fulfilled .
30 They operate under Royal Charters , appoint their own staff , decide on their own admissions policies and have traditionally had academic freedom in their teaching and research , though the last of these has arguably been eroded in recent years by the ‘ earmarking ’ of government funds for specific subjects , and the need to seek sponsors for particular projects .
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