Example sentences of "[adv] [conj] [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 Inevitably that produces omissions , and may lead the interpreter to stop altogether or to ask the speaker to slow down .
2 If you know you will be with people in the evening too , it would be ideal to have the afternoon away from people altogether or to postpone the evening appointment .
3 Whilst other nations wrestle with the complex problems of a modern democracy , the questions of press ownership , the funding of political parties , wire-tapping , privacy , freedom of information , the control of the security services , and so on , Britain has been content either to stand aside altogether or to legislate for continuing trust and deference .
4 Thus , the protagonists ' encounter with a postman who is too drunk to articulate properly or to deliver his letters , which he keeps dropping in the street , is one of a series of symbolic episodes expressing the generalized breakdown of communication in a country that has lost all sense of social cohesion .
5 To cheer this up a little or to add an interesting note , you could add a touch of ylang-ylang , taget , bergamot or perhaps frankincense .
6 It is for this reason that provisions in Conventions dealing with commercial contracts are almost entirely dispositive in nature , the parties being left free to exclude the relevant Convention entirely or to vary or derogate from its effects .
7 The data subject is entitled to access personally or to authorise another .
8 It is an offence under Section 47(2) to do any act or engage in any course of conduct which creates a false or misleading impression as to the market price or value of any investments if the purpose is to create that impression and thereby induce another person to acquire , dispose of , subscribe for or underwrite those investments or to refrain from doing so or to exercise or refrain from exercising any rights conferred by those investments .
9 You failed to connect the various elements together or to move through the detail to the larger issues of the painting .
10 To cooperate may be defined as to work together or to operate jointly-These terms are therefore not dissimilar , yet co-ordination may be seen to be of a higher level and a more difficult operation than co-operation .
11 Some contain two or more different plants to flower together or to follow on from each other .
12 It was fascinating to watch how people of different temperaments and races worked together or to observe the way key personalities tended to colour the group .
13 In fact , there are many reasons why families fail to stay together or to provide for their children adequately , reasons that include the stress of ill-health , unemployment or irregular employment , low pay , poverty and deprivation , bad housing and a poor environment and low levels of social support .
14 Although this had begun as a joint Anglo-French operation , Britain had withdrawn her forces , leaving the French either to carry on alone or to withdraw .
15 It is far easier to let the fry feed naturally than to have to mess around with infusorians .
16 ‘ I should have thought that even you knew better than to leave the car hermetically sealed .
17 He knew better than to leave that behind .
18 Now , if you had an opportunity of glancing at the leaflet already you will have seen that the leader for this July 's er , weekend is is Mr Henry and , I do n't think I can do any better than to spend two minutes of the time that we 've got in asking Henry if he would say a word or two of introduction to the theme for this year .
19 She had lived many times on the edge of danger and she knew better than to sink back to sleep .
20 ( Stone 1988 : 38 ) ( " When Agamemnon does the unthinkable , i.e. brings his concubine home , something which he should have known better than to do … " )
21 ( The Times , 13 June 1974 : 25.4 ; in Erdmann 1982 : 104 ) ( " Mr Benn has dared do something he should have known better than to do , given Prime Minister Wilson 's present hostility towards any statement that might upset private industry . " )
22 She knew better than to invite him back to Water Gypsy for a coffee .
23 Similarly , prospective employees know better than to rely on landscaping or other signals put out by employers and attempt , instead , to find out the inside story from their contacts .
24 She knew better than to urge them to dress in the fashions Lachlan had learned abroad ; but all the maids were driven frantic sewing silk and linen , gold thread , fur and leather .
25 However he knew better than to put the thought into words .
26 Susan explained as well as she could that at present they would n't want any help , whereupon the visitor bristled and announced that she was ‘ Blunt by name , and blunt by nature ’ , and knew better than to push herself in where she was n't wanted !
27 Tribe knew better than to join the attack , unarmed and gunless .
28 Huy knew better than to press her , and changed the subject .
29 He was a leading figure in social evolution — his second book , on the origin of civilisation as shown by the mental and social condition of savages , was published in 1870 , the year before The Descent of Man by his dear friend Charles Darwin — but he knew better than to talk of evolution in Parliament .
30 Carson knew better than to use the Mercedes as in-town transport-traffic and parking problems made a car into a liability during the daytime .
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