Example sentences of "[adv] [conj] [det] " in BNC.

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1 Potassium permanganate has the disadvantage of producing solid manganese dioxide during the process of oxidation which can cause blockages and importantly where any of the chlorinated oxidising agents are used care needs to be taken when phenolic contaminants are present as there have been instances of chlorophenols being formed which in turn produce most obnoxious odours sometimes toxic which are extremely difficult to break down .
2 Once you have input your collection data , Reels allows searching by date , source , quality , song , city etc. or any combination .
3 Rather where such cases do occur it is because the health and social care system can not provide the type of care these patients need .
4 Pöhl has said , ‘ I continue to have substantial doubts whether all or any governments would really be willing to relinquish the monetary policy sovereignty of their countries . ’
5 Though screening programmes for Duchenne muscular dystrophy have detected cases of Becker muscular dystrophy , whether all or any cases will be detected in this programme is not known .
6 However , there is no simple way of verifying whether all or any of those adopting the SPG response endorsed this line of reasoning .
7 Controversial matters , such as the Investment Services Directive , European Company Statute , the Thirteenth Company Law Directive concerning takeover and other general bids , the Tenth Company Law Directive concerning cross-border mergers between public limited companies , and the Company Taxation Directive concerning arrangements for taking losses into account , have been left until last and it is not at all certain whether all or most of these directives will be adopted by the end of 1992 .
8 If he makes no will we can hardly say that there is in early times any common law as to how his goods shall be divided ; much or all will depend on local custom .
9 But very little of this was actually measured , much was theoretical and , it later transpired , much or all of the claimed evidence for radiation was incorrect .
10 The rare gases take very little part in life 's processes ; and we need not discuss water vapour at too great length , even though many desert animals and plants , and some epiphytes ( plants that grow on the surface of other plants ) derive much or most of their water from water that floats to them on the air .
11 It may be that the drummings by the males have served to communicate not only where each one of them is , but what mood they are in .
12 This requirement arises only where such a person demands to know the name and address of the proprietor and not otherwise .
13 The Court restricted its judgment to the Murrays , and also ruled that the concept of " native title " could exist only where such rights had not been extinguished by the government .
14 When high roads , bridges , canals etc , are in this manner made and supported by the commerce which is carried on by means of them , they can be made only where that commerce requires them , and consequently where it is proper to make them .
15 It also recommends that the General Assembly approve the introduction of part-time ministers — but only where that is necessary for a territorial purpose such as in a remote area or where parish work could be combined with another church role .
16 The common law and legislation further require that best practicable means be taken to abate any existing odour nuisance , the ultimate sanction being closure of the premises , imposed only where all other methods of abatement have failed .
17 Accordingly where the second form of connecting factor is not applicable these Conventions apply only where all three parties involved ( supplier/lessor/lessee and supplier/debtor/factor ) carry on business in Contracting States .
18 Some sections ( 2 , 3 and 5 ) of the Unfair Contract Terms Act apply to exemption clauses only where those clauses claim to exempt from ‘ business liability . ’
19 Its constitution allows it to publish contracts and practice notes only where these have been approved unanimously by the constituent bodies .
20 Your questions and general approach should draw out of each subordinate how they intend to proceed , giving guidance and information only where this is essential .
21 The procedure adopted was to err as far as possible on the side of conservatism , scoring each reply as ‘ psychotic ’ only where this seemed reasonably certain .
22 The directors may , for instance , make gifts to the employees , but only where this can be regarded as ‘ an inducement to them to exert themselves in future , or as an act done reasonably for the purpose of getting the greatest profit from the business ’ .
23 The structures are commonly described in terms of models , such as those illustrated by Figs. 21.10 and 21.11 below or those described in Section 21.6 for a boundary layer .
24 In the depth of a recession , saving a few pounds here and there is essential , especially where that status symbol/poverty maker , the car , is concerned .
25 For although it is constantly argued that the police represent and are drawn from the community they serve , the cultural style required in the body of the police officer inevitably sets him slightly apart from the ‘ civvies ’ outside the institution , especially where such symbolic use of clothing and beards or hair is the province of the youthful innovator .
26 Sometimes projects are suggested to the governments of LDCs as part of an overall economic development programme , especially where such projects have the potential to generate export earnings in foreign currencies to service loans provided .
27 Group members will tend to conform to group standards or norms , especially where such conformity is the result of a general acceptance of the basic beliefs , attitudes and values of the group .
28 The Cubans , however , with the help of state resources , have used television and film to encourage the development of the values of the revolution , especially where these are at variance with traditional and deeply held views .
29 The Dewsbury case also focused attention on the difficulties of accommodating the preferences of parents drawn from groups with diverse cultural and religious differences , especially where these interests conflict with the ‘ rights ’ of the state to promote a policy of multicultural education in the interests of racial harmony and integration .
30 Big barbel though , have a distinct preference for swims that combine three factors : a fairly slack piece of water adjacent to a fast run , and especially where these two preside over a dense weedbed or some other kind of refuge such as a hole , steep ledge or sunken tree .
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