Example sentences of "[adv] [prep] long " in BNC.

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1 The function of these forceful propulsive waves seems chiefly that of shifting a relatively large quantity of intraluminal content aborally for long distances within the colonic lumen , thereby determining a right-to-left gradient important for the initiation of defecation .
2 Many other jobs involve ‘ hard stress ’ of this latter kind — foreign exchange dealers and nurses work intensely for long hours .
3 The 20-mile chalk stream has dwindled to a trickle , and it dried up altogether for long periods in the past three drought years , after the drilling of six drinking water boreholes by the Thames Water Authority ( now the Thames Water company ) lowered the water table .
4 He held her wrist loosely between long , slim fingers , his eyes on his watch .
5 Airline pilots commonly have difficulty in sleeping properly after long flights , especially when there have been time-zone changes .
6 Anticoagulant drugs safe enough for long term use to help prevent heart disease are under development by almost every drug company , Huber said .
7 Hospitality : More beds are needed especially to accommodate the German team on Thursday , Friday and Saturday nights , and a few for Friday night only for long distance Medau performers — please ask in your classes ( ten mile radius from Croydon or along the route from Dover preferred ) and send offers to .
8 She would go off alone for long walks over the cliffs — something she had never done before in winter .
9 So for long periods a deep soil gathers at the foot of most slopes .
10 Seven days treatment with a cumulative dose of dexamethasone equivalent to 0.75 g prednisolone has been followed by osteonecrosis with the appearance of symptoms two years later , whereas most patients receiving steroids , do so for long periods and in higher doses without developing articular symptoms .
11 Inevitably , men pushed together for long periods of time became edgy and , by the time the prison was freed from the grip of the snow , three men had been knifed ( one of whom had lost a kidney ) and another had been beaten severely with a pool cue .
12 Some elderly people suffer from iron deficiency due to a very slight , and sometimes unrecognisable , blood loss from such conditions as piles , diverticulitis , hiatus hernia — and occasionally bleeding from the stomach , if they have been taking aspirin for rheumatism daily for long periods , and this may cause anaemia .
13 And Gooch had agreed to tour India this winter only after long discussions at home .
14 Spanish and Portuguese membership came only after long talks , and was expected to put greater pressures on the Social and Regional Funds , as well as increasing the costs of the CAP .
15 By 1679 it was estimated that such payments were six or seven years in arrears ; and in the 1690s English diplomats were still very often paid merely in Exchequer tallies which could be cashed only after long delay and at ruinous discounts to their face value .
16 The compromise list was put together after long hours of high drama when Mr Pozsgay , a minister of state and the leading reformer , and two of his close allies threatened to walk out .
17 These are the years I look back on as having consisted entirely of long hot summers .
18 But Virginia Woolf 's mature novels consist almost entirely of long passages of introspection by the characters in free indirect style , punctuated by banal conversational remarks and parenthetical reports of trivial actions .
19 A new sense of harmony is unlikely to be developed if bored parents have to wait endlessly in long queues to see teachers .
20 Lesley-Jane , perhaps from long experience of having her mother going on about her or perhaps just from exhaustion , did not seem to be listening .
21 Although a couple of David Platt 's efforts have derived from shots on the edge of the penalty area , as indeed did Paul Merson 's debut goal in Prague , the general rule is that England are not scoring enough from long range .
22 For example , stylist Errol Douglas , from Edmonds salon in London ( tel : 071–589 5958 ) , showed us how curlers set randomly in long , straight hair with no layers will create loose waves .
23 The leaves are narrow , long up to 4ins ( 10cms ) , long , ribbon-shaped , bright green , growing opposite on long , branching stems .
24 Customer loyalty depends very much on long term customer satisfaction and belief that the school is providing quality education .
25 There , women sat squeezed together on long wooden benches .
26 Light or bright green , oval or oblong , small leaves which grow close together on long stems .
27 Friedman 's views are based essentially on the quantity theory relationship and depend crucially on statistical evidence which purports to show that velocity is relatively stable and predictable especially over long time periods .
28 These are merely two of many illustrations of the dangers of travel by sea , even though this was often easier , especially over long distances , than movement by land .
29 To some extent , this is engendered by the timing of college examinations , which occur only at long intervals .
30 An earlier study using the same type of stimulus material ( Christianson , 1984 ) showed impaired recall of central events in the neutral condition , but only at long retention intervals ( 2 weeks rather than 12 minutes ) and no significant difference between conditions on the 4AFC recognition test for peripheral details .
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