Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [adj -est] " in BNC.

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1 The old adage that those who try hardest succeed furthest should be made to apply .
2 The gentleman from Whitehall not only knew best ; he was the unacknowledged legislator of the world , who had ( indirectly at least ) won the war .
3 That does n't necessarily mean biggest , although it requires some critical mass in each country , and only in selected industries in each country ’ Carroll said .
4 The task will undoubtably fall heaviest on Andre Fontaine , who with the death earlier this summer of the newspaper 's founder Hubert Beuve-Mery , has to shoulder the burden alone .
5 Of the two , historians normally attach greatest significance to the former .
6 In the standard experiments the effect of arousal is to change the range of cues attended to by the subject , high arousal conditions thus show best memory for central information while in low arousal conditions subjects remember peripheral information best .
7 It is Liszt who nevertheless looms largest in the anthology , and in whose music I found it most easy to understand Crimp 's belief in Levitzki as ‘ one of this century 's master pianists ’ .
8 Recollection of grandparents thus appears strongest between women : granddaughters remembering grandmothers .
9 The next possibility is that this new once-a-week frequency is the level at which one or both of you unconsciously feels happiest with sex .
10 Already voted Best Album Of The Year in several polls is REM 's Automatic For The People which offers the very best in adult-oriented rock .
11 From the pub turn right to walk north-north-west along the road to meet a footpath on the right where the road bends .
12 You 're always having best things , ’ Carrie said , rather sourly .
13 After Arnold died , Nancy , feeling more strongly than ever what she had always known , that he was the only man she had loved , came to live permanently in the house where he had always seemed happiest , a piece of property he had picked up for a song in the sixties from Barone Dulcibene 's father-in-law , old Count Umberto Baderini .
14 Productivity : Benchmark what we do do and aim for a minimum standard of improvement better than inflation ; develop the skills base to tackle productivity problems across the Group ; set aggressive goals , guided by ‘ leading edge , not lunatic fringe ’ ; push harder to transfer best practices , with more involvement from the centre .
15 But by the time a baby boy grows up , his head has been stuffed with myths and taboos , and the idea that in sexual matters , the man always knows best ! ’
16 We shall be examining in due course how organization can make fullest use of books , materials , equipment and ancillaries ; we have reminded ourselves that it can also make fullest use of the many abilities in the staff room .
17 Durium records probably came nearest to making sound recordings really accessible to the masses , forming a gramophonic equivalent of the paper-backed book .
18 THE Oscar-nominated actress Emma Thompson last night won the best actress prize in the British Academy of Film and Television Awards for her role in Howards End , which was also named best film .
19 EMMA THOMPSON won Britain 's version of an Oscar last night , taking the best actress award for her role in Howards End , which was also named best film .
20 Davidson , who was of course a committed partisan of Baldwin 's , but a sufficiently skilful one to couch his arguments in moderate terms , probably got nearest to the nub of Curzon 's failings in a memorandum which he wrote for Stamfordham and through hint for the King .
21 Do n't forget that the sun will always appear behind the stripy cloud , never in front of it ; clouds can do either but probably look best with the stripes as a background .
22 Intermediate values are seen for tawny owls and great grey owls ( 50–60 per cent ) , and high values for the owls that also showed greatest damage to the maxilla , the short-eared owl , spotted eagle owl and European eagle owl ( 80–90 per cent ) .
23 James Boiling also returned career-best figures in that game , and deserves more than a regular one-day place .
24 It makes one wonder how many other true stories that seem commonplace memories of Welsh life would , with the right mix of film-makers ' skill , also become best sellers .
25 And the tune two cuts later is the fastest one and yet that 's the one where I probably play slowest .
26 Perhaps this also comes nearest to the philosophy of Rare Breed Conservation .
27 Another thing about smoking , although nobody 's denying it 's bad for you , is the fact is that , it 's overwhelming the core of women who smoke , who also have worst diets , they also tend to have worse stress , it 's used as a very convenient scapegoat .
28 Olivia Abbott meets film and television star Tim Pigott Smith , who now seems happiest running his own touring theatre company .
29 Celebrated everywhere , the duo had no reason to question their good fortune , and no need to wonder which their friends really liked best : IBM 's earnest reliability or Microsoft 's youthful creativity .
30 And if you getting another ring , but please send smallest size , yeah .
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