Example sentences of "[adv] [noun] of " in BNC.

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31 History in the primary school therefore presents the paradox of some fine work , which is set in an uncertain curricular pattern , and is too rarely part of a firm curriculum plan .
32 Some of them are , of course , capital cities , comparable only to London , but most of the others ( we tend to forget ) have equally been great urban centres for many hundreds of years , while Britain 's biggest cities are mostly products of the Industrial Revolution .
33 Interested but not involved — except during the years when I was a member , and latterly chairman of the Crofters Commission .
34 But they knew that on the left lay the Waste ; and that somewhere west of the Waste , no one knew precisely where , was the Great Camp of the outlaws .
35 During the final BLDC session in Beijing , seven members ( presumably part of the minority Hong Kong contingent ) had voted against the draft .
36 ‘ Jeez , how on earth d' ya take a bath and how is your love life ’ were presumably part of the empathy process from Gerry and his audience almost comatose with voyeurism and in need of splints for drop-jaw .
37 Spiritual art is ‘ only known by its personal power ’ ( Chardin , Velasquez ) , while Sacred Art is ‘ the most intense form of the spiritual ’ in which ‘ our humanity responds to something greater than itself yet intimately part of us ’ ( Goya ) .
38 auctioneer and eventually Mayor of Cloisterham , a pompous idiot who gives himself ecclesiastical airs .
39 Presumably Department of Trade and Industry is it , contains erm , Minister of State under our local , all the six Lincolnshire M P's .
40 Eschewing undue optimism , and the constant pressure from the pincers precluded any such temptation , the White Paper irradiated a belief in the importance of scrutinizing the causes of crime , calmly and dispassionately , in order to ascertain more effectively methods of combating it .
41 Occupations , ethnic and religious groups , and most importantly styles of life are accorded differing degrees of prestige or esteem by members of society .
42 So he made these first three senior commissioning editor appointments , effectively heads of big departments , appointing two women and one man .
43 As for the physical appearance of the people who left behind their stone tools and food refuse , Singer and Wymer can say little because , compared with animal bones , there are few human remains in the deposits and they are mostly fragments of skulls and jawbones and teeth .
44 Only in warmer , damper regions have they a chance to acquire the organic debris — mostly fragments of algae , fungi , lichens and mosses — that allows them to develop further into humic soils ( Figure 3.6B-D ) .
45 At this level there appears to be little cross-association of elements , e.g. all of those inclusions listed under " form " , in section 2.3 ( all section numbers refer to the under discussion , unless otherwise indicated ) .
46 Fats supply the most calories of all , very many more , weight for weight , than all other foods .
47 The remaining 16 occurrences are mostly combinations of at least two of the described problems .
48 Increasing excise duties on alcohol and tobacco have traditionally allowed Chancellors of the Exchequer to raise revenues with a matronly wag of the finger that suggests they are trying to do us a favour .
49 After retirement he became a respected commentator , chairman of selectors and eventually president of Yorkshire ( 1981-4 ) until , saddened by the internal strife , he resigned from an office in which he took great pride .
50 Wisps of distant music , the creak of machinery , enigmatic shiftings of light , a spasm of slow-motion : first you realise that this house ( in Dermot Hayes 's cunningly flimsy set , a little Calvary of stunted , corroding masts ) is haunted , then that it is doomed ; and then , the real turn of the screw , that these people may really want to be doomed .
51 Although judges sometimes loosely talk of material which is " inherently obscene " or " obscene per se " , it is clear that this concept is irreconcilable with the legislative definition of obscenity .
52 Jolleys reported 41% ( 343 ) of women of all ages having inappropriate leakage of urine , but in 232 ( 70% ) of these it amounted to only dampening of underwear .
53 Only hair of the highest quality is used which is bonded to small sections of your hair .
54 Perhaps generations of detective story writers , from Wilkie Collins down , are responsible for the romantic image of criminal investigation , so that even for a modern hard-bitten public the initials C.I.D .
55 The first and foremost is natural selection ; individuals that are particularly well-adapted to their environment reproduce more than their fellows and so copies of their genes become more common .
56 Once the basic outline of the artist 's sketches were reproduced , it was up to a team of colourists , some obviously better than others , to colour the 200 or so copies of each plate .
57 On a number of occasions we can note that only coins of a relatively high denomination were minted and hence available for use .
58 Successive NFER analysis demonstrated that the most effective selection process could select only 90% of children adequately — 10% would be misplaced .
59 Both are well known to the veteran Franklin D. Murphy , who is not only Chairman of the Trustees of the National Gallery , but a Trustee of LACMA and , until recently , of the Getty Trust ( see The Art Newspaper No. 4 , January 1991 , Vernissage section ) .
60 But these are only reasons of strategy , and a pragmatist believes judges should always be ready to override such reasons when he thinks that changing rules laid down in the past would be in the general interest overall , notwithstanding some limited damage to the authority of political institutions .
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