Example sentences of "[pers pn] given the " in BNC.

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1 As far as I was concerned , men and boys constituted a separate species , with whom I had nothing in common , and the last thing I wanted to do ( had I given the matter any thought ) was to arouse their interest , which I feared might be predatory .
2 So com wi th but we 've agreed , I 'm sorry if I 'm being repetitive and boring and the rest of it but comment , there would be a staff comment , how you use the rest of the space , assume there 's a double space is now left with you given the guidelines are issued .
3 The majority of absent parents er presently are fathers , so I 'm going to ask you given the current er , emphasis on er in , well in in in the media perhaps , rather tha , more than in real life on women going it alone , whether by necessity or indeed by choice .
4 Were you given the money or did you have to pay for that yourself ?
5 What choice have you given the patients who ca n't use the six other wards that you 've closed down ?
6 What choice have you given the million people who 're on the waiting list for National Health Service ?
7 The choices made by players in a game must be mutually consistent in the sense that each player 's choice is the best for him given the choices made by the others .
8 Why had he given the EQ such power ?
9 And was he given the choice before the order went out , or simply informed that it had been given ? ’
10 My father would probably have agreed with him , had he given the subject his attention .
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