Example sentences of "[pers pn] will at " in BNC.

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1 In order to give a sense of an ‘ ethical a priori ’ position , I will at this point in the book say something of my own odyssey .
2 The caves of Bétharram , a short way out of Lourdes on the main road to Pau , are not my sort of caves but I will at least mention them .
3 If it is , I will at once remove myself .
4 Choosing this road is likely to cost more than the first option , but you will at least ensure that your doors are the best that money can buy .
5 The guarantee that you will at least receive an amount equal to your original investment at the end of five years will be unaffected by any change in the rate of tax on policyholders ' funds applicable to Life Insurance Companies .
6 If it was said in the hope of catching you out you will at least have demonstrated a calm approach and an ability not to panic .
7 But doing your homework properly you will at least be able to make sure that the odds are in your favour . ’
8 However , you will at the same time be aware that you are ‘ someone else ’ with different feelings , emotions and experiences .
9 You can reckon on spending several thousand pounds for a typical house — especially if you call in a firm to fit the windows — but you will at least ensure that your windows are the best that money can buy .
10 It guarantees than you will at least double your speed and yet retain much more .
11 When you have the newspaper and the three answers you will at least know that your daughter is still alive and in a fit state to respond .
12 The chances are of course that you will not have time go into so much detail , but you can use different headlines to highlight specific aspects of the story , and if you are aware of the requirements of each type of magazine you will at least be able to include back-up material which is relevant to their subject and readership and to follow up with ideas for more in-depth coverage .
13 ( If you 've followed the logic of the earlier chapters you will at once see that this is n't a perfect control , as the water-trained birds may be learning something else about the bead — but I 'll come to that later .
14 You will at least take these , Master Tuan .
15 If early on you learn phrases like " I am learning your language " , " I have only been here a short time " , " I did n't understand what you said " , and " Please repeat it more slowly " , you will at least be able to make a sensible response to anything said to you .
16 You will at least be able to group together those substitution items which have the same tone patterns , and that will give you material to practise .
17 In any event , you will at least not now disgrace your coffin . ’
18 You will at least be able to test the strength of the case against you .
19 ‘ Throw what you will at me but it wo n't make any difference .
20 If they are , we will at last be able to see the countryside put back into countryside management .
21 But if we lower our ‘ poverty line ’ , we will at the same time reduce the number of poor people , and if we raise it , we will increase the number .
22 To do this we will at least double the size of Citizens , both through organic growth and by expanding into the states adjoining its Rhode Island base .
23 for the very simple reason that we will at most have one franchise in er nineteen ninety four , ninety five
24 ‘ By expanding Eastham Country Park we will at least be making use of the land for the benefit of the people of Wirral . ’
25 ‘ By expanding Eastham Country Park we will at least be making use of the land for the benefit of the people of Wirral rather than just have it lying there . ’
26 But if they return as part of negotiated settlement , they will at least be constrained by a large international presence of peace-keepers and aid organisations , which was not the case in 1975 .
27 Although American car workers will get a lot more free time in the months to come , they will at least be better off than they were a decade ago .
28 10.1 The Academic Parties undertake that as respects copyright and other intellectual property rights in any items comprising technical information in respect of their results they will at the request and cost of the Non-academic Parties to this Agreement assign to and execute and do all such deeds acts matters and things as may be requisite for vesting such rights in an Non-academic Party either along or jointly with other Non-academic Parties to this Agreement .
29 All the drivers are exciting , and people who are stuck in this pattern of behaviour often have an incentive to stay in it — they feel that one day they will succeed , they will finally be perfect , they will at last please everyone ; they will prove that they can get everything done more quickly than everyone else , and they 'll know that they can undertake anything under the most difficult conditions .
30 They will at first be assailed after meetings by colleagues saying ‘ Good for you ’ and ‘ I wish I 'd had the courage to say that ’ and ‘ That 's just what I think .
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