Example sentences of "[pers pn] have [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I have afternoon appointments . ’
2 ‘ You are not walking on to the stage at the Shield , or any theatre in which I have influence , again .
3 GUIL : I have influence yet .
4 GUIL : I have influence !
5 I have ironing to do . ’
6 The tapes , the same ones I have back at Mr Shah 's cumin-scented hotel , neatly stacked on a shelf made from a tea-chest draped with Somali cloth .
7 For many years I have experience severe rain leakage through the canvas tilt on my Series III.1 once made the mistake of coating another vehicle 's tilt with polyurethane paint but the result was that it hung in tatters within a year as it became brittle .
8 Certainly , these factors , combined with an agreeable set of colleagues and a relaxed but vigilant management style , have meant over 800 hours of the most enjoyable flying that I have experience .
9 I 'm I 'm really going to erm I afraid I have experience of
10 The two with which I have experience which have very high patency rates are either rt-PA or anistreplase .
11 I have experience of teaching French as part of an interdisciplinary degree course in which the study of 1 or 2 modern languages is combined with ( inter alia ) history and/or literature and/or linguistics .
12 I have experience in the hotel industry , ’ I told him .
13 I have experience in management , coaching , administration and I have an eye for a good player . ’
14 I have experience of this class of case over a period of more than fifty years and it has n't been uncommon in the past even in the days when judges took a more rigorous view than they cline er inclined to do nowadays not to punish er in any with a custodial
15 There are of course exceptions of those who are neither councillors nor magistrates er and are prepared to do these jobs , but there are n't very many in relation to er the numbers of people that would be required for this sort of task and there are many other activities for which there are required , like school governors who like helping on various health bodies and er they have n't got the time to do them all , and if they have , they probably are n't suitable , because I have to my Lords that a lord of people who volunteer for these sorts of tasks and I have experience of them are n't people that locally we would like to have sitting on these various bodies and we have to discourage them one way and another .
16 You see ’ — his voice trembled slightly , his blue eyes became haunted , his bloom of good looks seemed to collapse inwards — ‘ I have cancer .
17 ‘ You mean I have cancer
18 ‘ I sat down and said to the doctor ‘ So I have cancer ’ and he said ‘ Yes ’ .
19 He said it as he might have said , I have cancer .
20 Initially on that first night after the operation there was that very finite feeling : ‘ Oh my God I have cancer that means death . ’
21 Even more ‘ intrigued ’ was Mr Ryan of Bolton , who quipped , ‘ I have golf caddying experience and look good in a bowler hat . ’
22 oh I have fun with men all the time , chasing them and that .
23 I have lunch with my publisher every other year .
24 When I 'm at home in the country I have breakfast at 9 am — cereal , brown toast and tea — and I 'm at my desk by 10 am .
25 I have breakfast with Ali the next morning .
26 I got in there and I thought cos I wanted bacon and eggs but I thought if I have breakfast I 'm gon na think well .
27 I have self esteem .
28 I have God on my side , and that is all I need .
29 I have help from both Captain Mark Phillips and Stephen Hadley ; being what I feel is my weakest phase , I am planning to work hard at it this spring !
30 I have angina which is very unpleasant but I can move about more easily since losing a bit of weight and I used to suffer every night with heartburn but since having no fat I can honestly say I have n't suffered at all : … .
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