Example sentences of "[noun pl] [to-vb] be " in BNC.

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1 To Henry , the idea of being cheered on as you croaked , by Elinor , Mr and Mrs Is-the-Mitsubishi-Scratched-Yet , his mother , her mother , Maisie and anyone else with a few hours to spare was almost completely repulsive .
2 ‘ The last two groups to perform are from Donegal and Leitrim .
3 Hence , at a time when growing numbers were seeking houses the capacity of the cities to cope was being tested .
4 The easiest definitions to provide are those of North Shields and Cramlington .
5 Among the projects to benefit are a creche and health care bursaries .
6 Perhaps the most important ground rules to establish are those about silence and stopping work .
7 Clearly Romania was well on its way to becoming an economic super-success and anyone with funds to spare was well advised to lend them to Ceauşescu .
8 Government exhortations to decentralize are ignored , largely due to the poor state of infrastructure outside the capital .
9 At the distant end , the conversion from electrical signals to sound is carried out by the earpiece and the listener receives the information .
10 But what I want the Hearts Mid-Lothian supporters to know is that if we do n't go to Hermestone , it is highly likely we 'll be remaining at Tynecastle , and we could put together a very attractive proposal there .
11 Finally , the disincentives to innovate are a familiar problem in public bureaucracies .
12 One of the advantages of our business is that the opportunities to progress are remarkably many and varied — there is no one set path which you have to adhere to .
13 In the following four sections we shall examine five different habits used by animals to avoid being eaten : potential prey may actively flee their predators , or they may stay still and try to be invisible , or they may stuff themselves with sickening chemicals and advertise their unpalatability with bright ‘ warning colours ’ , or they may mimic the warning colours of others , and finally , in some circumstances , an animal may make itself less likely to be eaten by living in a group .
14 However , the drivers to avoid are the one in 100 who complete fewer than 520 miles per year — they 're the ones you meet coming up the wrong side of the motorway .
15 The first of these disputes to emerge was in the Caucasus , where the most serious civil disturbances in Soviet post-war history took place between Armenians and Azerbaijanis over the disputed territorial enclave of Nagorno-Karabakh .
17 In Coimbra , accommodation can be arranged either in pensions , hotels or with a family where opportunities to practise are plentiful .
18 Other aspects to consider are charges , possible conflicts of interest , and efficiency in dealing and settlement .
19 Copyright-cleared background music recordings can be obtained by mail order , and the addresses to contact are to be found in the relevant hobby magazines .
20 If you would like to help , the shops to contact are :
21 There are enough good , specific reference sources available these days for the captions to have been a great deal more informative ; even at this very reasonable price the reader has a right to expect less of the hard work to be left up to him .
22 In his biography of the earl of Pembroke , however , Dr Phillips has effectively disproved this notion and shown the baronial conciliators to have been royal supporters , rather than independents .
23 A similar majority ( 76 per cent ) , however , deemed the LEA guidelines to have been only reasonably adequate .
24 The result meant that both parties failed to capitalise on the widespread disaffection with the mainstream parties and in particular with the ruling Socialist Party ( PS ) which had been discovered in recent months to have been involved in a number of scandals .
25 That Shelford has a few doubters to disprove is cold comfort to Cardiff , who have had an unconvincing start to the season and whose main hope is to catch the tourists either cold or rusty after a lay-off which for most has lasted all of a fortnight .
26 I happen for my sins to have been shadow Chancellor since the last election in 1987 , during which period there have been three Chancellors of the Exchequer .
27 One of the first fungi to show is lycoperdon perlatum .
28 British National Collections were made aware of the plan to sell the Turner — and the Constable and Gainsborough — but no proposals to purchase were received .
29 One of the first questions which this thesis attempts to answer is whether these three definitions of risk can be sensibly used , and if they can , how are the three types of risk related to one another ?
30 A more common method today , however ( because it is much quicker , often cheaper and one which can give certain security even before contracts to sell are exchanged ) , is the insurance indemnity policy issued on payment of a single premium .
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