Example sentences of "[noun pl] [to-vb] all " in BNC.

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1 Figure 2.3 illustrates a production flow in the TV industry with just three stages , but these would have to be extended many times to include all the firms involved .
2 One notable exception was a provision in the Criminal Justice Act 1967 compelling courts to suspend all sentences of imprisonment of up to six months .
3 I suspect that as with the not dissimilar talents of Anita Brookner , the reader needs to share the author 's attitudes to enjoy all this .
4 The new Statement now requires plans to report all investment contracts issued by insurance enterprises or other entities at fair value , except where they incorporate mortality or morbidity risk .
5 It 's a demanding walk — allow 6 hours to enjoy all it has to offer .
6 Every effort will be made to accommodate requests to provide all interested parties with the same information .
7 The inexperienced clinician who undertakes unnecessary investigations to exclude all possible causes for each abnormal finding is doing the patient a disservice by delaying appropriate treatment .
8 Royal Scottish has a range of savings and investments products to meet all your needs .
9 When digits are presented in pairs to left and right ears , there is an almost universal tendency ( Broadbent , 1954 ) for subjects to report all of the items presented to one ear before reporting those items presented to the other ear .
10 Ports are to get longer piers to accommodate all the containers bringing in imports .
11 You will actually hold a policy review with your client , I E , you 're going to see them each year at least , but the policy reviews as regards the company are held to make sure there 's enough growth in the client 's funds to sustain all the charges .
12 Apricot Computers Ltd , which always likes to be first with Intel 's latest chip , will reportedly announce a P5-based machine in September , but with the enormous leap in complexity in the microprocessor , the other major worry has to be that it will take early users of the chip at least 18 months to find all the bugs in it and for Intel to correct them .
13 AN investigation has been launched into whether the pension fund of the collapsed Lilley group has enough funds to meet all its commitments , writes Peter Woodifield .
14 It has taken nearly nine months to finalise all the accounts and each venture takes about six months to plan .
15 After all , if the Palace ostracises her she wo n't be able to go to any more of those incredibly interesting garden parties to meet all those terribly fascinating people like the head of the Surbiton philatelic society .
16 In respect of non-contractual referrals by GPs , this point is recognised since ‘ … an open-ended commitment on the part of DHAs to meet all non-contractual referrals would be incompatible with both the disciplines which the new system is intended to inject and with control of budgets ’ ( DoH , 1989c , para.3.3 ) .
17 Once an infection takes hold it is difficult for antibiotics to destroy all the bacteria , so some survive to start more trouble later .
18 The new service will be extended over the next few months to cover all GPs practising in the South Tees area .
19 Hazard and Operability Study A study carried out by application of guide words to identify all deviations from the design intent with undesired effects for safety or operability , ( Reference 6 ) .
20 If more magazines published such articles we could learn from others ' experiences and take steps to help all victims of this eternal triangle .
21 They 're holding urgent discussions with the manufacturers to trace all the mixers sold .
22 However UWI came to their rescue and provided enough extra valves to cover all tanks .
23 Like some Greek-speaking liberal Jews , the early Christians read the prophets as foretelling a universal mission of the Jews to illuminate all peoples .
24 Practical classes and laboratory work are part of this training , with opportunities to use all the tools of the social scientist as well as a variety of equipment in surveying and photogrammetry , computing and Geographical Information Systems ( GIS ) , and physical geography .
25 In theory , with a certain knowledge of future events and a perfect capital market , it should be possible for a firm to borrow sufficient funds to finance all those projects that meet this acceptance criterion .
26 He knew himself to be a magical dropout , so it did n't bother him that the mere appearance of a hero at the city gates was enough to cause retorts to explode and demons to materialise all through the Magical Quarter .
27 And here , beautifully realized , were the images to match all those labels .
28 And they 've asked the Home Secretary to draw up nationwide guidelines to ensure all police forces act in the same way .
29 To make matters worse , there are always rumours that the government is about to return to confiscating export earnings , by reintroducing a fixed exchange rate and requiring exporters to convert all their profits .
30 The package structure will have one package at its summit , the root package , containing sufficient sub-packages to reference all the required modules .
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