Example sentences of "[noun pl] [to-vb] been " in BNC.

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1 There are enough good , specific reference sources available these days for the captions to have been a great deal more informative ; even at this very reasonable price the reader has a right to expect less of the hard work to be left up to him .
2 In his biography of the earl of Pembroke , however , Dr Phillips has effectively disproved this notion and shown the baronial conciliators to have been royal supporters , rather than independents .
3 A similar majority ( 76 per cent ) , however , deemed the LEA guidelines to have been only reasonably adequate .
4 The result meant that both parties failed to capitalise on the widespread disaffection with the mainstream parties and in particular with the ruling Socialist Party ( PS ) which had been discovered in recent months to have been involved in a number of scandals .
5 I happen for my sins to have been shadow Chancellor since the last election in 1987 , during which period there have been three Chancellors of the Exchequer .
6 Amongst the other companies to have been privatised during the Conservative second term are Jaguar ( 1984 ) , British Airways ( 1987 ) and Rolls-Royce ( 1987 ) .
7 In the 30-plus years since I started my CIT life as a student , I have found the many local and national meetings and lectures to have been a valuable way of giving and receiving information and help .
8 For matters to have been different , a far deeper knowledge of those forces would have been required , plus the willingness and ability to handle conflicting tensions long before they built up to breaking point .
9 The House of Lords held that for the directors to have been negligent in taking this course they would have had to have been ‘ cognisant of circumstances of such a character , so plain , so manifest , and so simple of appreciation , that no men with any ordinary degree of prudence , acting on their own behalf ’ would have entered into the transaction .
10 That is a large number of people in those two areas to have been entered on the computer .
11 The judge found the defendants to have been in breach of the injunction and committed each to prison for four months .
12 By the early years of this century , pawnbrokers — the first lenders to have been controlled in detail — were licensed , and the way in which they did their business was regulated .
13 ‘ I did n't know the lady as well as you , sir , but she seems in all particulars to have been a pretty clubbable woman . ’
14 That children who experience a level of difficulty in learning significant enough for a Record of Needs to have been opened up for them can learn a foreign language within a special school setting .
15 He said that this was one of the few buildings to have been built as Government Offices , but was still built ‘ in accordance with the principle of a private residence ’ .
16 The elections were deemed by foreign observers to have been held without widescale irregularities , although cases were reported in a few localities .
17 Resentments may persist between members of staff who belonged to different unions , and in particular the goodwill between headteacher and staff seems in some places to have been almost irreparably damaged .
18 How often have you known it for the butler who is on everyone 's lips one day as the greatest of his generation to be proved demonstrably within a few years to have been nothing of the sort ?
19 The English monks seem for some years to have been able to resist the discipline of Lanfranc .
20 Among the rules and conditions for admission to this establishment a person had to have been resident in the parish for three years to have been receiving parish relief , and to be able to recite the Lord 's prayer and Apsotles ' Creed , also they shall not be an enemy of the Gospel or Established religion , nor a common swearer , adulterer , thief , picker , hedge breaker or drunkard .
21 Unfortunately subsequent events , particularly the tragic fate of the Assyrians in the summer of 1933 , showed the minorities ' fears to have been well founded .
22 True ivory is one of the few substances to have been highly esteemed for symbolic purposes wherever it could be obtained .
23 They should have got the solicitors in and said ‘ look you 've no rights to have been here , you walked on this common land without any permission at all , you built these places without you 've got cars park and everything ’ , and now I listen to the story where the council says they 're going to run it etc. etc and etc , well what the people want , they want it cleared up , they want it back to where it was , we do n't want somebody running another business out there , this is the idea of getting him off .
24 ‘ Who considers those persons to have been involved in abuse or attempted abuse of the immigration laws ?
25 It also requires showing that it was necessary for such behaviour and beliefs to have been formerly defined as crimes .
26 The official definition of long-term unemployment is more than twelve months without work , although employment training , which is designed for the long term unemployed , requires entrants to have been on the register for more than six months .
27 A confidential meeting in Mexico City between the FMLN and Salvadorean business leaders in early July was said by rebel sources to have been " direct and productive " .
28 Another witness of the charter to St Wandrille dated 1033 is King Henry I of France , who is known from other sources to have been briefly in exile with Robert at Fécamp , and according Edward the title " king of the English " would presumably have done Robert 's prestige no harm at all , as he would thus have been entertaining two exiled monarchs at the same time .
29 The present tenants of what is now known as John Dakyn House , renovated and restored and comprising six modern flats , have like the original tenants to have been born or lived in the parish for ten years , be of retirement age or invalids .
30 A leading article described the CNAA process as ‘ sticky and demanding ’ and believed that when the Council finally approved diversified courses in the colleges they would find the efforts to have been beneficial .
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