Example sentences of "[noun pl] [prep] time " in BNC.

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1 All these are examples of the changing importance of roads through time .
2 Hence there can be experienced-based cost reductions over a generic class of products through time , even though the products differ in some respects .
3 In The Decline of the West Spengler argued that world history exhibited a cyclical pattern based on the organic growth and decay of separate cultures through time .
4 Apart from San Marino 's two professionals , almost all the players , ranging from a nurse to a shop assistant , have had to beg their employers for time off work to travel to England .
5 How you are going to respond to excuses or requests for time extensions or Part payments .
6 For the purposes of a general survey , changes in various biological groups through time are most usefully analysed in terms of diversity ( or , more strictly , taxonomic richness ) , and changes in spatial distribution by the amount of provinciality or endemism .
7 The main congregation is divided into ethnic groups for time of worship , study and fellowship .
8 Our work emphasises the prognostic value of three variables : encephalopathy , prothrombin time , and the number of blood units transfused within the 72 hours after time zero .
9 it , you know , but when I do the slightly , yes I have to cross my legs between time !
10 Agronomic techniques of conservation are perhaps more in terms of preventing the start of the process of removal of soil particles , by the introduction of farming practices which will provide stable yields through time .
11 Unlike the demands for time off from the farm , which is normally at short notice , the request for release for training courses could be made well in advance .
12 Employers may be expected to allow reasonable opportunities for their employees to engage in public service , but substantial demands for time off may either be refused or constitute a block to career advancement .
13 I wonder if you are aware that in the Bible there are two words for time and that , generally speaking , they refer to two quite different ideas .
14 See there 's two words for time , one is Chronos and
15 So in the same village , there would be two different sorts of time .
16 ‘ Dog ’ remains dog through centuries of time and cultural change .
17 There are a number of aspects of " pure " time deixis , where there is no direct interaction with non-deictic methods of time reckoning .
18 But this did not prevent claims being made for motivational research and the like as extravagant as those made for corn cures and patent all-purpose medicines by the pedlars and mountebanks of time immemorial .
19 And the population of London swelled , both with naive readers of Time , and with young people from across the country .
20 But how do we get some feel for spans of time stretching into millions of years ?
21 It is possible to argue that he wrote in the proportion to which each location claimed or received his spans of time and attention — and as he spent more than twice the length of time out on the islands as he did getting there , the greater part of his book addresses the west .
22 Later we shall need to relate the squares of time intervals in different frames .
23 At the same time , also by means of forebrain action , all kinds of circumstances may impede the former function — inhibition arising from earlier training and experience , considerations of time and place , conscious moral outlooks etc .
24 In much the same way implicit or explicit models for describing the evolution of stream channels or drainage basins commonly are used to make simplifying assumptions that eliminate considerations of time , history and sometimes even progressive change . ’
25 DECADES make convenient units of time for historians , sociologists and pundits of every stripe , but the people who live and work through them do n't share the same enthusiasm for tying everything into bundles or stopping precisely at midnight on December 31 .
26 AGE — ( duration of life at death , at birth of child , at delivery of fetus , at marriage or at another event ) is the estimated or calculated interval between the date of birth and the date of occurrence of the event , expressed in completed units of time .
27 Hall has made the covers of Time as well as the Village Voice , and ascended into ratings heaven ( only one rival tops his statistics : the evergreen Johnny Carson Show ) .
28 Throughout Iranian thought there was a tendency to dualism , and it is therefore not surprising that two distinct forms or aspects of time were recognized : indivisible time , that is the eternal ‘ now ’ , and time that is divisible into successive parts .
29 Whereas for most Greeks and Romans , whether they believed in cycles or not , the dominant aspects of time were the present and the past , Christianity directed man 's attention to the future .
30 These aspects of time control start from the communications problem , discussed in Chapter 11 .
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