Example sentences of "[noun pl] [be] hold " in BNC.

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1 ‘ It reminds me of the worst period in German history when members of certain institutions are held collectively responsible for what we now know was a misguided security doctrine , ’ Gen Schwanitz said .
2 I can not understand why riders are holding back just when the sport needs them most .
3 Chester Archives of city gilds are held .
4 These strategic-issue discussions are held at two main levels .
5 These discussions are held on an informal basis mainly within the planning department , but in some instances the opinions of other departments are sought .
6 Courses , seminars and discussions are held at intervals within an individual college or within a broader catchment in order to improve college teaching .
7 When initial policy discussions are held it is rare for housing to be represented .
8 It is the difference between a necessary empirical shift , when reasoning is taken across to one of its presumed objects and must take the full strain of the encounter , and a deceptive ( because falsely generalized ) empiricism , in which certain kinds of attention to certain presumptively autonomous objects are held to be justified and protected by the terms of an unargued immediacy .
9 Primitive medical facilities and dearth of welfare workers , counsellors or psychiatrists , even where considerable numbers of mentally ill prisoners are held ;
10 But even in relation to those who are ultimately convicted , the fact that many of them go on to receive a non-custodial sentence — in 1999 the figures were 19.4 per cent in the Crown Court and 25.9 per cent in the magistrates ' courts — calls into question the need and justification for pre-trial detention on the present scale , particularly in view of the deplorable conditions in which most remand prisoners are held .
11 You can also use your Saver Plus Card at any of our nationwide network of Self-Service cash machines to sweep money from your Current Account , provided both accounts are held at the same branch .
12 In many cases accounts are held back until completion of an investigation but the position will recur year after year and would have to be constantly reviewed in the light of the current stage of the investigation .
13 Lest it be thought I am attributing vile motives to such people , it is noticeable that when non-card communions are held , attendance is considerably diminished .
14 Under the amended Regulations , PEP investment can only be made in a ‘ non-qualifying ’ trust if at least 50% of its investments are held in shares .
15 Offshore investments are held by JCI 's wholly-owned subsidiary , JCI ( Isle of Man ) Limited .
16 ‘ Our outings are held all the year round , regardless of the weather .
17 ‘ Not unless the Russians are holding something back .
18 The art has become so refined that at state and country fairs , hog-calling contests are held , with the winner being the farmer who summons a pig from the greatest distance .
19 And they suggested many employers are holding back bad economic news until after the general election .
20 This directory is very voluminous and copies are held by Legal Aid Committees in Glasgow , Dundee and Aberdeen .
21 Such details on these projects are held centrally , and may be accessed through John McMahon ( see below ) .
22 Summons hearings are held fortnightly , and committal cases are held three weeks out of four .
23 Thirdly , the respect in which the courts are held gives their decisions an influence out of proportion to the number of cases they deal with .
24 Now the Moroccan authorities are holding onto the body and that 's angered Private Morrison 's Abingdon based family .
25 The aim is to ensure not only that all important titles are held in stock , but also that as far as possible there is on the shelves at any one time a reasonable coverage of material in all subject fields .
26 Charles Donmall , in this period the secretary of the BBBC , justified the discrimination by pointing out that : ‘ It is only right that a small country such as ours should have championships restricted to boxers of white parents — otherwise we might be faced with a situation where all our British titles are held by coloured Empire boxers ’ ( quoted by Henderson , 1949 , p.340 ) .
27 These blooms are held on long stalks above the leaves on compacted plants .
28 The entries in the lexicon do not actually contain semantic information , but have instead pointers to locations in a separate store known as semantic memory in which the meanings are held .
29 ‘ Everywhere meetings are held to discuss the Eastern Question …
30 Meetings are held every nineteen days , not necessarily Sundays , which must keep people on their toes .
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