Example sentences of "[noun pl] [verb] up " in BNC.

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1 Scales got up from his seat at the table in Wycliffe 's little office but Wycliffe waved him back .
2 This is far from obvious in snowy conditions , and attempts to go up form the stance are forced off left .
3 Although scarcely under challenge from other national groups , Russians made up a steadily diminishing proportion of the total population over the postwar period and the Russian Republic included many of the Soviet Union 's poorest farmland and most dismal cities , creating at least the impression that it was subsidising developments in more prosperous non-Russian areas .
4 Far out , a sprinkling of small white birds swooped up and down in hurried flight before an ominous sky-darkening .
5 But on this day , an unusually cloudless Sunday late in October , I had travelled from Cornwall ; the train was two hours late , and I rushed , humping my case , past the mute crowds gazing up at the information board , towards the taxi rank .
6 If you have any views pick up the phone and call me now .
7 Biologists may be able to determine the shape of molecules made up of amino acid chains , thereby predicting the effect of drugs before such drugs even exist .
8 With devastating confidence , he thrust his finger deep into her molten heat , then raked his fingers back up across her stomach to her breasts with a convulsive , possessive , shuddering movement which triggered a huge surge of longing inside her , so strong she felt dizzy .
9 And while products make up 28% of turnover , the group also has a strong recurring revenue stream , and is keen to exploit it further — 28% of income comes from maintenance , 44% from services : consultancy , technical support and training .
10 Dairy products make up over 20 per cent of our calories and they also provide over 20 per cent of our protein intake and much of our calcium .
11 CREDITS : HAIR : Sharon Rainey from Zakks using Tigi Products MAKE UP : Tracey Hall , The Style Academy PHOTOGRAPHY : Fred Hoare STYLING : Anna Mooney
12 The first figures published by the Home Office ( Home Office 1986 ) indicated that of prisoners , 8 per cent of men and 12 per cent of women were Afro-Caribbean , yet these groups make up only 1 per cent and 2 per cent of the population in general ( see also Walker 1987 ) .
13 Decorating your Christmas tree with chains made up of red chillies is just one of the original ideas in the company 's seasonal title Malcolm Hillier 's Christmas ( Price : £12.99 ) .
14 Several of the nearer birds got up and flew along the shore , revealing another feature which pin-pointed their origins : the lack of a white rump showed them to be of the race hudsonicus which breeds in northern Canada .
15 After a dull launch to the new season , London 's commercial art galleries pick up speed with a really exciting list of new exhibitions .
16 But I think I would have become more comfortable with myself anyway — it 's just the times catching up with me , my success , and feeling better about myself all came at about the same time . ’
17 In Austria the Germans made up 36.8 per cent of the population .
18 The Norman Towers — Entering through these it is easy to imagine the Knights of the Middle Ages setting off for battle , banners flying and a host of bowmen and falconers bringing up the rear .
19 We had to answer technical questions put forward by the new investigating judge , Dr Rosario Priore and his appointed Commission of experts made up of 10 Italian , British , German and Swedish avionics and radar experts , ’ says Steve .
20 The drip , drip of winter skis propped up outside rooms have left their their sallow mark .
21 Attempts to scale up these systems beyond their intended domain have met with little success .
22 I am careful not to leave even the smallest scrap of yarn lying around as mother birds pick up the pieces and use them for lining their nests .
23 I stumbled back and sat down heavily on the plinth , then staggered upright and pulled my cords back up .
24 ‘ For Lease ’ signs to go up
25 Along with orders to France and Scandinavia , exports make up 75 per cent of ANTA 's business .
26 At present non-French institutions make up nearly one third of the MATIF 's membership .
27 Expressionless , their ill-fitting jackboots thumping up and down as they marched , the soldiers approached the lone kilted figure .
28 With XPG4 , as part of its sworn intent to become more user-oriented , X/Open will be assembling various specific user packages and profiles made up of combinations of the existing and new XPG components .
29 West Kensington itself was made up of rows of five-storey peeling stucco houses broken up into bed-sits that were mostly occupied by foreign students , itinerants and poor people who 'd lived there for years .
30 Not surprisingly , for a country which is second only to Russia for the scale of its distances ( and second to no country but Norway on a per capita energy consumption basis ) motor fuels make up the largest element of oil consumption .
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