Example sentences of "[noun pl] [pron] for " in BNC.

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1 If the structure pays greater attention to what the children achieve , rather than values them for what they are , its philosophy will be seriously flawed .
2 Thanks everyone for your co-operation .
3 quick look at the map , the River Ouse conveniently chops Selby district in roughly half , and that there might well be considerations which for the sake of was not okay .
4 They chose Milan as the venue because of the presence of two schools which for the previous ten years had pursued the Pure Oral System , or the German System as it was more commonly known , and to help to give the Congress credibility , they chose as the President one of the schools ' headmasters , while the other school 's headmaster was Secretary .
5 In the case of independent schools which for the most part are not run as independent profit making institutions and which set the fees to raise enough money to cover the cost of running the school , the test is virtually indistinguishable from a market value test .
6 We have in this country no less than four million homes which for one
7 TWO residential homes which for many years have cared for young people and the elderly are being closed by the Salvation Army .
8 Addressing a press conference in Paris on Jan. 17 , Sharif said that Pakistan had not requested a nuclear plant , which had been promised by France during a visit to Pakistan by French President François Mitterrand in February 1990 , as it involved accepting " comprehensive safeguards which for Pakistan today is not possible " .
9 And make absolutely sure the policy you buy covers you for winter sports and not just travel .
10 It 's sufficient to say that Clyde thanks you for saving his family , but then finds out there 's one Demon left .
11 But before I start , I should tell you that Mick Collins sends you all his regards and thanks you for your efforts on his — and out behalf . "
12 Pardoe is delighted by the prospect of going to market , although he 's reluctant to undercut the small shops who for years have kept the organic movement going .
13 The industry tried all sorts of things to get people interested : Rover put a traditional grille on its 800 , Ford introduced a new way to buy a car called Options and Nissan even tried selling its cars itself for a change .
14 Knighton includes among the demands one for free rights of hunting and fishing , and Walsingham also reports an alleged confession by the rebel leader Jack Straw , which suggested far more revolutionary aims , the killing of all the lords and later of the King , the destruction of all possessioner clergy , leaving only the friars , and the creation of kings in all the counties ( 11 , pp.180–6 , 201–7 , 365–6 ) .
15 THE Stock Exchange is investigating two blatant share ramps which for a while yesterday added £178million to the value of conglomerate Williams Holdings , and knocked £94million from financial services group British & Commonwealth .
16 ‘ Common people worship a variety of icons which for purposes of practicality represent various attributes and aspects of a supreme Godhead .
17 The second is to act as a filter to ensure that only those cases which for some reason need to proceed to a formal process of adjudication do so .
18 There are also composition sub-groups which for Valencia at least are related to quality of the wares .
19 Ostensibly objective textual scholarship adopted editorial policies which for many years worked to ensure the above assumptions could be confirmed .
20 However effective the departmental ordering , some central control is needed to balance up inequality of treatment between subjects , order interdisciplinary material , and fill in titles which for one reason or another have been missed .
21 There were only two coaches which for the most part were filled with students — except on Parma 's market days , Wednesdays and Saturdays , when they were crowded with country people .
22 The rest of the Left was still divided into small groups which for various reasons did not wish to be involved in these narrow manoeuvres .
23 Now he 's stepped into the director 's shoes himself for Juice , yet another shock story from young black America .
24 At first , Lucien had watched them in awed fascination , hardly daring to practise any movements himself for fear of ridicule .
25 Separate Audit and Remuneration Committees under the Chairmanship of have been constituted to formally replace the Committee of Non-Executive Directors which for many years has provided the Executive Chairman with independent advice on matters concerning the appointment and remuneration of Executive Directors and senior executives and on audit .
26 For the record , then , here are six skylines which for me crystallise the quality of the whole 50 I completed ( though in the end there was only room for 45 ) .
27 Many appointed in this way were ex-professional theatre actors or directors who for various reasons ( not always the best ) were interested in transferring to the amateur world .
28 Without any explanation , he jumped out and approached one of the Ayurvedic healers who for centuries have sat on the roadside here , surrounded by the ingredients of their trade : live iguanas whose fried juices are said to cure impotence ; ginseng for philtres used to spread or extinguish the fires of love ; tree bark to ward off a woman 's menopause ; the bringraj herb from the high Himalayas said to conquer baldness or thicken the beard of the most effete Sikh .
29 Well it certainly is but er I 've grown potatoes myself for years and never had any trouble with them boiling into the water but this year I can not get a good potato , all of my usual favourites like Estima which I 've found is a usually good all round potato , it it 's a monkey for boiling into the water and one thing I can only assume is that the weather 's had a lot to do with it , my ground 's been waterlogged most of the season .
30 It should be noted that the Community Laundry Service is not only for the comfort and hygiene of incontinent elderly people , it can be offered to members of the public of all age groups who for whatever medical reason need frequent changes of sheets ( bed sores , skin conditions , night sweats , acute bleeding episodes of a frequent nature ) .
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