Example sentences of "[noun pl] [pron] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Dziekanowski did not play at Wembley last summer — he was suspended after walking out on his then club Legia Warsaw — but clearly he is in the mood to test the English defenders whom Bobby Robson has been casting as his unsung heroes .
2 Many are the times me wife and I have sat at the table with a large sheet of graph paper and worked it all out , only to find that either my ruler 's idea of an inch does n't tally with the real thing , or the width of a pencil line on the plan actually equates to a foot in real life .
3 This makes sense to the degree that one of the legal authorities whom Coke most often cites is Bracton ( Henry de Bracton , De Legibus et Consuetudinibus Angliae ) , who dies in 1268 , having flourished under Henry III of England and during the minority of Henry 's son , the future Edward I. Moreover Edward and Eleanor spent the winter of 1270–71 in Sicily , en route to the Holy Land , and returned there in 1272 for Edward to learn that , his father having died , he was king of England .
4 Dunne himself went out of his way to insist that his theory was free from any occult taint ; but An Experiment with Time , revised and expanded in 1934 , was to remain in print for over half a century ; and ironically , it won the reputation of doing more to convince the general public of the reality of clairvoyance , in the form of precognition , than all the labours of the psychical researchers whom Dunne so mistrusted .
5 The locals consisted of the party of Sloanes Molly had seen at Nancy Leadbetter 's and another English family with two teenage sons whom Haverford , loudly and explicitly , urged his eldest grand-daughter to ‘ get off with ’ or ‘ drag away to the disco ’ , although he did n't suggest where a disco might be found in Mondano .
6 This included a number of parachute-trained personnel whom Stirling was naturally keen to recruit .
7 On this evidence therefore it seems possible that , on the evening of 14 May , AFHQ was working on the assumption that Loehr 's forces , including hundreds of thousands of Germans , had already surrendered to 5 Corps or were about to do so , and therefore that the German element in those forces might be included in the " 500,000 " Germans whom AFHQ was asking SHAEF/12th Army Group to take over .
8 At the end of five 40-minute sittings my portrait is finished .
9 And many of the objects my ex used to bring home were equally unwelcome and led to as much mess .
10 I have given lands and privileges to get knight service , and kept my army in the field by contracts my forefathers never countenanced .
11 The utility of believing that , however many setbacks my cause may suffer , God or the historical process is ultimately on my side , an effectiveness demonstrated throughout history by so many religious and political movements , is only one example of the practical value of delusion .
12 On the other point about local education authorities My Lords , er it is quite depressing , I was er visiting a local education authority only two weeks ago where they had a five point educational strategy for the authority , one of those points was to oppose at all cost erm parents right to opt out .
13 Well , erm it 's negatives so X-rays my leg .
14 Some comments could be dealt with readily by changes to the draft statutory instruments but others were not so easy to resolve as they raise more fundamental questions and in these cases my officials were able to explore with the auditing practices board , whether issues could be more easily addressed in the statement of auditing standards which is being developed to accompany the legislation than in the statutory instruments themselves .
15 In each of these cases my method will be to discuss the effects the phenomenon has upon public liability companies , then to make comparison with the other forms in which we are interested .
16 Ropes my knees , lobbing fake boomerangs ,
17 Every few minutes my saddle , a thin nylon sack , would slide alarmingly forwards .
18 I imagine that this would be a good finger exercise for resting concert pianists — after the first few minutes my digits were dead !
19 Within minutes my offer was all over the Docherty suite , and I became the source of hysterical laughter , ridicule and abuse .
20 Within a few minutes my body was one mass of bruises from head to toe .
21 After twenty minutes my father was very angry .
22 These maps my soundings make .
23 ‘ Hello ? ’ queries my mother-in-law 's voice uncertainly , not knowing how to announce herself in someone else 's house .
24 It could not get hold of me and stifle me ; for it would employ only my hands and a certain section of my knowledge ; the rest of me would be free : after office hours my escape would be absolute ; and then the holidays would enable me , according to my powers and my wishes , to live another life as different as that of Jekyll from that of Hyde .
25 I 've asked for about three hours my contact in Liverpool .
26 about or either of them want all your pennies my dear .
27 To help pay off the debts my mother got herself a job .
28 LABOUR 'S E.Murphy ( HAS March 16 ) typically misrepresents my comments on the recent Willington East by-election .
29 For generations my family have been staunch Conservatives , but I am afraid my immediate family will no longer support a Government which cares little about animal welfare .
30 It cost just over £1,500 , which was about three times my budget , but I just had to have it .
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