Example sentences of "[noun pl] [prep] long " in BNC.

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1 No longer were our proposals for long term projects just reports on pieces of paper ; they were real — and not just for us , but for the children of Vietnam .
2 As for the human rights record of Saudi Arabia , Amnesty reports the detention of political prisoners for long periods without trial — eleven have been incarcerated since 1979 .
3 As for the human rights record of Saudi Arabia , Amnesty reports the detention of political prisoners for long periods without trial — eleven have been incarcerated since 1979 .
4 Repeated daily injections of the somatostatin analogue , octreotide ( SMS201–995 , Sandostatin ) are an effective treatment for acromegaly , but lead to gall stone formation in about 50% of cases during long term treatment .
5 So it remains to be seen whether we may have such a network , or perhaps even assuming that nearly all the cheap oil runs out , whether we might in fact manufacture petrol artificially from wood , coal , or gas , simply to provide the excellent fuel with its wonderful storage characteristics for long distance transport .
6 There are in fact more than five ways to display a date as you can alter the default settings for Long International and Short International using the command : /Worksheet , Global , Default , Other , International , Date
7 Headless Periplaneta and Schistocerca can be trained to flex their legs for long periods in order to avoid an electric shock .
8 A project is a project , he wrote , and once it is begun it should be carried through to the end , regardless of doubts about meaning , doubts about long runs , or doubts about anything else , unless the body screams for you to stop , of course one can not go on for long against the screaming of the body , but then that merely means one has miscalculated , it merely means one has begun too soon or too late or perhaps that the entire project was a miscalculation .
9 The majority of the indigenous cattle of Scandinavia are naturally polled : it seems that the northern stockmen , who because of the demands of climate needed to house their animals for long periods , appreciated long ago that horns could be awkward at close quarters and it is clear that polled stock were deliberately bred in Scandinavia from early times .
10 ‘ It is a drug used in medicine since 1935 and its serious side-effects are rare even when it is prescribed at high concentrations for long periods .
11 We pray for those who are confined to their homes for long periods .
12 They discovered sweatshops and people working in their homes for long hours trying to erm patch together a very very poor living .
13 All of the models described so far are targeted on people with most needs and engage these clients for long periods of time , sometimes indefinitely ( substituting for long-term institutional care for the most needy people ) .
14 This was particularly true for those small communities , small towns , or groups of peasants , who had won their privileges after long struggles against a higher authority .
15 Eryngium eburneum is the most frequently seen of several similar eryngiums , all of which boast bold clumps of long , narrow evergreen leaves .
16 in the second half so we can expect to see Collimore racing on to all sorts of long balls now .
17 Dr Freda Newcombe 's work setting up this unit has made all the difference to Mark and other head injured people , who can suffer all sorts of long term effects , including loss of memory and severe personality changes .
18 For all their impressive size , they were in a sorry state : their courses choked with silt , their beds cracked and their banks decayed by centuries of long , hard Martian winters .
19 However , considerations of long term safety are also important as lifelong maintenance treatment is usually recommended .
20 One of the major strengths of Long Time Companion is its avoidance of the ‘ Government Health Warning ’ approach to AIDS .
21 The toppled heads of long forgotten deities and dignitaries observed his passing , the silence they had enjoyed for centuries broken by the rattling of his chains and bells .
22 It is also noteworthy that in mild disease , concentrations of long n6 polyunsaturated fatty acids , especially arachidonic acid , also remained above those in healthy controls .
23 Mr Hoffman or Miss Farrow or both were the subjects of long articles in the American press , of the cover story in Time , and then of another cover story in The Observer 's colour section .
24 Germany and France led a protest fearing months of long negotiations could be undone .
25 ‘ During the months of long training sessions Higueras repeats , ‘ Be aware of what you do best .
26 The smaller had legs like long sticks , and where one of the eyes should have been there was nothing — smooth skin without even an indentation .
27 There are analogous risks with long positions ; those with net holdings of stock lose when bond prices fall .
28 Shave legs with long smooth strokes from ankle to knee and from knee to thigh .
29 Showing first black , then white , they tip and bank and glide , close to the water , shearing the waves with long narrow wings .
30 Small mammals were present in the Triassic — shrew-like animals with long noses , and probably insatiable appetites for smaller items of the fauna .
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