Example sentences of "[art] first time " in BNC.

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1 I remember clearly one of the first times I gave a word of knowledge .
2 It may be one of the first times citizens anywhere have been allowed to vote on detailed defence-procurement questions .
3 What was it like the during the first times y you went on the ?
4 It was the first time our national and international network had gathered together in one place and made us all realise just how much the work has grown . ’
5 Statistics on the death penalty in the USSR have been made public for the first time since 1934 .
6 During the period of 1984–5 , more than 2,800 Sri Lankans sought asylum in the UK and in May 1985 , a visa requirement was imposed on the nationals of Sri Lanka , the first time such a requirement was imposed on the nationals of a Commonwealth country .
7 In these 239 murals , covering a surface of 1,585 square metres , there are traces of many influences making up a popular and forceful imagery : ‘ The codices , pre-conquest sculpture , popular art , the study of living people , the colour of nature as well as the paintings of the misnamed Italian Primitives , together with the modern artistic tendencies to which Rivera himself had contributed during his stay in France , all went to form his own peculiar style , which is apparent for the first time in these frescoes . ’
8 A critic walking for the first time into a gallery may describe a colour in a picture as blue ; it will have been the scrupulous task of a conservator to have established that the particular colour in question was Prussian blue , and thus can not date before the eighteenth century .
9 This enabled some major figures to show work for the first time .
10 This is not the first time that such considerations have arisen for readers of his fiction .
11 But it 's possible to go way beyond these limited , obvious exercises , and impro can be immensely exciting for young actors , allowing them to grasp situations and emotions imaginatively , perhaps for the first time .
12 You are entering the market for the first time when you write a letter about yourself to either agent , casting director , producer or director .
13 It 's very daunting to have to go to an audition for the first time in your life .
14 I understood this the first time I read him , he wrote , in that smelly room in Hackney .
15 All problems resolved in one go because now for the first time question of optimum distance becomes an issue for the viewer .
16 After that , strangely , for the first time began to feel the glow of achievement .
17 Having Goldberg in the room with it , as he has been in my life since that first day at college , made me grasp clearly , for the first time , just what it is I have been after , he wrote .
18 This established licensing hours for the first time , and put brewers on the defensive .
19 DTS will show the Harris 20–20 Accommodator hotel communication system for the first time at the show .
20 One of these , PC-Hornet , which has been developed over the past 10 years , will be shown for the first time by McDonnell Douglas .
21 The first time we did it , the stock check was programmed to call up everything , ’ Brown says .
22 Her patience in equally short supply , she found herself exasperated , not for the first time , by Peony 's snide tongue .
23 ‘ Would n't be the first time your husband 's come back when you did n't expect him , would it ? ’
24 These efforts have proved — regrettably — to be unsuccessful , and the essay is therefore printed here for the first time without its owner 's permission .
25 ‘ Mind you , it 's the first time they 've been here , and if I 'm any judge it 'll be the last .
26 This will be the first time that an introduction to the range of MEDIA initiatives will have taken place in the city .
27 I started to read newspapers and magazines more , and , for just about the first time in my life , I began to take an interest in current affairs .
28 In times past , I had tried to get across to the continent as much as possible , but now , while other people were going abroad for the first time because of all the cheap travel around , I was ( without intending to be anti-social ) doing exactly the opposite and taking a look around the British Isles .
29 This is the first time I 've had someone round to tea in years , and it happens on the very day I become homeless .
30 What would everyone back at the cafe have thought when , for the first time in eight months , I had n't shown up for work ?
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