Example sentences of "[art] time [conj] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ The truth is , no one was further from my mind at the time than my god .
2 Ah , well what value is it , a watch tells the time whether it 's three hundred pounds or three , three pounds
3 The vociferation grew louder and louder all the time while I was serving myself at the counter .
4 After having amassed around 200 hours on the Corsair since purchasing it in 1982 , the novelty of flying this beast has not diminished : ‘ Today I feel that every flight in the Corsair is as exciting as the first , mainly because with the Corsair you can not afford to be complacent , as the aircraft will sometimes bite back , so I have to be alert all the time while I am flying ’ .
5 Indeed , the link between word processors like First Word Plus and desktop publishing is strengthening all the time while stand-alone products become more and more limited .
6 Speakers looked at listeners 50 per cent of the time while speaking fluently compared with only 20 per cent of the time during hesitant speech .
7 So to while away the time while they waited for dark again they sat in a back room and fiished the waistcoat .
8 These in his original draft he had characterised at " Chetniks " , a term often loosely used at the time although its most precise meaning was to refer to the Royalist followers of Gen Mihailovitch .
9 He was mentioned in despatches , for having displayed the same casual courage his companions had remarked on before the war as he pursued his favourite pastime of mountaineering ( he had neither the time nor patience for golf and was reckoned by devotees to be only a fair-weather fisherman ) .
10 At Bletchley I had begun to satisfy , however pathetically and inadequately , a desire to see the world about me , but then had neither the time nor the money nor the opportunity for anything other than very restricted local journeys .
11 He would have liked to have driven his dagger straight into the interfering clerk 's throat but knew this was not the time nor the occasion .
12 But as times became more difficult with the passing years I suppose she had neither the time nor the inclination to play music .
13 They probably have neither the time nor the inclination to go through the necessary learning process , and particularly so now that the more modern battery-powered devices are available and are so efficient .
14 No doubt the wall was lower at some point — down at the edge of the parkland , perhaps — but she had neither the time nor the inclination to find out .
15 I do not believe in using the deep trance state in any form of therapy as it involves hypnoamnesia , a state in which the patient will neither be aware of what is going on at the time nor able to recall it afterwards .
16 When learners are caught up in communication , concerned with making meaning , they have neither the time nor indeed the inclination to monitor their performance , which in consequence reveals what they have acquired without , as it were , the artificial additives of learning .
17 To be as fair to her as is possible , it can at least be said that the work which she had plagiarized on her behalf ( since she had neither the time nor the inclination to copy it herself ) was generally of good standard .
18 Emily felt angry words rise to her lips but quickly suppressed them , this was neither the time nor the place to argue Craig 's innocence .
19 We realise that your trainees may have neither the time nor the academic background to deal with the complexities of a new language .
20 Most voters have neither the time nor the inclination to scrutinize position papers or to weigh judiciously the qualities of those who offer themselves in primary elections .
21 She bit back her anger , for it was neither the time nor the place to start an argument .
22 The truth is that Cortot had neither the time nor the inclination to polish his performances to a high degree of perfection .
23 Though the inspector made no note of the time nor the wavelength of the broadcast , he remembered its contents .
24 Although he had neither the time nor the opportunity to continue with his verse drama , the subject was never far from his mind .
25 The rejoinder must be : although we may generally have neither the time nor the inclination to look at literary language under the microscope in this way , the fact that it can be done is important , and the doing of it can not fail to sharpen observation , by making us aware of how larger effects are built up from smaller ones .
26 This is neither the time nor the place . ’
27 Anyway , this is neither the time nor the place to discuss it .
28 Vague and slightly patronising references were made to volunteers providing the companionship and neighbourly services for which health and social service workers have neither the time nor the responsibility " .
29 ‘ Hilary , ’ he broke in gently , ‘ you 're soaking wet , cold , upset , and this is neither the time nor the place , but there was a reason — ’
30 But this was neither the time nor the place for a show-down — the score would have to be settled later .
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