Example sentences of "[art] end [prep] " in BNC.

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1 He began with lipstick tubes , which were too light , and then moved on to sawing the ends off motorcycle handlebars .
2 I 'm just taking the ends off the
3 Also always ask for the swarf to be blown out of cut sheets , and for the ends to be temporarily taped up to keep the sheets clean inside
4 He was scholarly , shrewd and literate ; but few people entirely trusted the ends to which that scholarship and shrewdness were applied .
5 With the lines stretched out , have a friend apply tension on the ends to be prepared and scissor them to equal length .
6 Having laid the foundations , you simply cover them with a layer of sand about 50mm deep , and level this off , using a straight-edge cut out at the ends to just under the depth of the bricks , say about 90mm .
7 He would gladly have died or suffered hardship or privation for the truth ; but endless wrangling and prevarication on both sides made him ill , and distracted him from the ends to which he had dedicated himself .
8 The ends to which they might properly be put would be severely limited by these considerations .
9 Nor can Edward be blamed for not foreseeing the ends to which Gloucester might put his power .
10 The uncertainties concerned not only the ends to be sought but also the means chosen to achieve them .
11 When turning the ends to be jointed , it is worth having a piece of scrap wood on hand with the appropriate holes bored into it to check for a snug fit .
12 I understand that my right hon. Friend the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland is considering whether to change the law in Northern Ireland to meet the ends to which the hon. Gentleman referred .
13 Nor can Edward be blamed for not foreseeing the ends to which Gloucester might put his power .
14 Sighing , she pulled on socks and sweater , then knotted the scarf at her throat and secured one of the ends to her sweater with the silver lioness brooch so automatically that she paused , eyeing herself in the mirror .
15 As you use your trimming , turn the ends under and secure with a pin or stick Sellotape over the cut edges as they fray .
16 Prepare a strip 3–4ft wide , extending a little beyond the ends of the hedge .
17 Bend over , holding the ends of the bar at arm 's length .
18 The effects of movement can be observed in antique pieces from the 17th century onwards , where cleats were put across the ends of structures like writing desk falls in order to gain a flush surface .
19 The ends of the coil should be soldered to the termination strips to allow for the later attachment of heavier gauge connecting cable .
20 It has little influence on places along the route , but a powerful one on those at the ends of it . ’
21 Once the students , not without glee , watched him celebrating the sacrament with the ends of his back braces protruding out of the top of his vestment .
22 Next hammer the ends of woody stemmed plants .
23 Simultaneously the men of the bank support section tugged and pulled their steel wire ropes and tirfor winches into place , to provide anchorages from which to hold the ends of the bridge in the correct depth of water for loading .
24 This arrangement has helped to reduce the potential oppressiveness of the resulting internal corridor because the northern ‘ strip ’ of service rooms also accommodates the two staircases that serve the two publicly accessible upper floors of the building and natural light spills into the ends of the corridor through the glazed enclosures of these features , reducing the room 's apparent length .
25 Runswick claims a modest role in his ‘ Write-Your-Own Opera for children to do themselves ’ , providing the musical frame and a scenario which magics six classes through the ages and to the ends of the earth in search of ingredients for Mr Gandolfi 's birthday cake .
26 Apart from using the ends of the sausages in sauces , it is generally best not to cook with these meats but just to enjoy them cold .
27 Fold the ends of the Parma ham slices over the filling , then refrigerate for 2–3hr until set .
28 Born and bred a Land Rover , but crossed with the might and muscle of a Range Rover , it 's just the machine for enterprising City types who at the end of the week want to swap Hampstead and Fulham for ambitious adventures to the ends of Britain 's motorways .
29 They sat one on either side of him , at the ends of the table , each with a cup of coffee and a half-eaten slice of toast .
30 The battens open to the ends of night .
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