Example sentences of "[art] new government " in BNC.

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1 Then a policy directive in 1977 reinforced by the new government in 1979 , also insisted that InterCity should run commercially even if other parts of the passenger business were to receive grant-aid under the 1968 Act .
2 In 1945 he was arrested by the new government and tried for collaborating .
3 In the new government of June 1983 the move to a more homogeneous Cabinet was continued .
4 The new government intended to treat aviation as part of its overall restructuring of the British economy .
5 Finally , in December 1945 , the Ministry of Civil Aviation 's White paper on British air services , Cmd. 6712 , which set down the new government 's aviation policy , was submitted to the Cabinet by Lord Winster .
6 Thus the BSA attempted to extort over £20 million from the new government of Zambia in 1964 in exchange for its mineral rights , but was ultimately forced to accept £4 million .
7 MR Ladislav Adamec , the Czechoslovak Prime Minister , threatened to quit last night , as hard bargaining continued for a second day with the opposition over the shape of the new government .
8 Mr Shekhar has declared his undying loyalty to the new government , without revealing whether he would join it .
9 Mr Adamec had asked the Forum for its proposals concerning the new government .
10 The Forum sought to link the creation of the new government to the stepping down of President Gustav Husak , a key demand of the opposition .
11 ‘ It is quite clear that the Communists have to be in a minority in the new government .
12 The opposition Civic Forum earlier described the talks as constructive , amid growing opposition optimism that the Communists would be reduced to a minority in the new government .
13 The opposition sought to link the creation of the new government to Mr Husak stepping down .
14 The summit also agreed to aim at completing an ambitious co-operation agreement with the new government in East Germany before the middle of next year .
15 Although most Panamanians will welcome the departure of General Noriega , the fact that their new President was sworn in by a US army general at a US army base is likely to colour perceptions of the new government .
16 And the Battalions , as they drop from sight , may pose one of the most serious threats to the new government of Guillermo Endara .
17 The combat operations began just after 1am local time , shortly after the new government was sworn in .
18 As soon as the new government recommends a qualified candidate , Panamanian , to be administrator of the canal , as called for in the treaties , I will submit this nominee to the senate for expedited consideration , ’ Mr Bush said yesterday .
19 The theory sounds fine but there remains the problem of the deep cultural clash which the new government itself represents .
20 Despite fears that the continuing American presence could undermine Panamanian support for the new government , they ‘ are going to need a police force ’ , Mr Aspin said .
21 ‘ It 's not a good sign that the new government does n't have enough confidence to emerge from protective custody , ’ Mr Roberts said .
22 Sources said top administration officials told politicians in a closed briefing on Wednesday that one of their greatest worries was that a long-term American occupation would turn opinion both in Panama and throughout the region against the new government .
23 The legal cloak given to the US action by the formal request for US assistance by the new government of President Guillerm Endara is not convincing , since the government was sworn in on a US military base with a US general standing by .
24 The effortless victory followed an occasionally rowdy five-hour debate in which Congress speakers taunted the new government for its dependence on other parties , and for alleged inability to spell out its policies .
25 No one doubts that , if the programme is rigorously carried out , inflation , which had topped 80% a month when the new government took office , will collapse .
26 Bowing to their demands puts the new government squarely on the side of the anti-reformers .
27 Keen to give the new government of his state a chance to work , he has politely rebuffed Mr Annuar .
28 The new government brought in to replace the one that resigned a month ago turns out to be little more than a royal-family reshuffle .
29 The Corporation 's major vehicle assembler in Turkey was in serious difficulties , due to the fact that the new Government had slapped an embargo on the importation of components to conserve its diminishing currency reserves .
30 Yet the Conservative dominance of the new government , and their move towards protectionism , alienated Sir Herbert Samuel and the free traders who left the National government in September 1932 .
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