Example sentences of "[art] [num] as " in BNC.

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1 This interpretation was already being undermined in the 1830s as new evidence showed that the geographical provinces did indeed extend some way back into the past .
2 This comparative study of five representative prisons for adult males in one region of the prison system , seeks to provide benchmarks for the 1980's as to how far humane containment is achieved in the context of maintaining security and control .
3 The old Gothic was felt to be as inadequate in the 1890s as the old meeting-house had been in the 1860s so plans were made for a new building worthy of their pastor whose fame was rapidly increasing .
4 The policies of the Fabians were described by Beatrice Webb during the 1890s as ‘ essentially collective ownership wherever practicable ; collective regulation everywhere else ; collective provision according to need for all the impotent and sufferers ; and collective taxation in proportion to wealth ’ .
5 The tendency in the historical literature has been to dismiss the number of homeworkers during the 1900s as insignificant , but the numbers of women employed in casual tasks are extremely difficult to estimate .
6 In the process , he illuminates the loneliness of Los Angeleans of the 90s as they try to find love and comfort in an essentially hostile environment .
7 Trading down from fillet steak to mince or sausages , from Cooper 's Oxford marmalade to supermarket own brand or from real coffee to soft-focus Gold Blend is as much a symbol of the 90s as lengthening dole queues and expanding cardboard box- dwelling communities .
8 Their enthusiasm remains as infectious in the 90s as it was over a decade ago and we proudly welcome them to the Guinness Spot for their first and keenly anticipated visit to Belfast .
9 One writer described couples entering and leaving church in the 1870s as ‘ cool and businesslike , as though having paid the deposit on the purchase of a donkey or a handsome barrow , they were just going in with their witnesses to settle the bargain ’ .
10 The grocer was talking ten to the dozen as he served his Mars bars , his detergent , his potatoes .
11 Police want to talk to anyone who was in the Crown Street , Priestgate or Melland Street areas at about 4.40pm on Monday or anyone who saw the three as they walked to Melland Street .
12 It predicts that there will be 8.5 billion people in 2025 , and that the world 's population ( currently 5.3 billion ) is likely to double by the 2050s , not the 2090s as previously estimated .
13 It was extended in the 1760s as the Russians had advanced slightly , to become 457 versts long .
14 Dr Schwarz measures the decline of the 1760s as being as marked as that of the 1790s .
15 This remained only a vague idea until he read the same Soviet paper from the 1970s as Chatterjee had seen and which dealt with the abundance of helium-3 and helium-4 in minerals .
16 It also seems that the pressures have increased since the 1970s as manufacturing firms especially have reduced their labour force and no worker wants to be nominated for early retirement or transfer .
17 The failure of the Royal Commission 's own research to support their advocacy of large-scale units of local government led to scepticism in the 1970s as opinion swung away from a belief in bigness as a correlate of efficiency and progress .
18 Further innovation began in the 1970s as banks came to regard their foreign branches as profit centres in their own right , not just as overseas service counters for domestic clients with overseas interests .
19 Though the production function approach was subjected to a great deal of criticism from the start , this criticism increased very substantially in the 1970s as the economies of the world began to stagnate .
20 R. Rhodes , ( 1984 , p. 355 ) , observing the increased assertiveness of the Thatcher government , has characterized the changes in relationship between central and local government during the 1970s as shifting from bargaining through incorporation to direction and centralization in the 1980s .
21 He sees considerable scope for the firm widening its client base in the '90s as people inherit houses from their parents and money is available for investment .
22 However traffic conditions were changing in the Fifties as car ownership increased , both reducing passengers and increasing road traffic at the same time .
23 The seaside photographer who promises ‘ Memories to treasure ’ with every happy snap might have been present at every major golfing occasion in the Eighties as the players of the age showed their capacity for repeating and exceeding the highwater marks of the very recent past .
24 However , the contested takeover of Imperial by Hanson was not referred to the MMC as it did not adversely affect competition or the ‘ public interest ’ .
25 The IBM concurrent copy , sequential data striping , enhanced dynamic cache management and search assist will be available for the 7980-3 as well as the 7690 in the first quarter 1994 .
26 The latter was defined by Soviet terminology in the 1920s as all establishments producing goods for more than one household but employing thirty wage-earners or less ; or if motive power was used , fifteen wage-earners or less .
27 Inside , the garden was restored in the 1920s as was much of the interior of the palace , but a great deal was left unfinished .
28 Burlatsky , a people 's deputy as well as scholar and journalist , argued in favour of a decentralised , self-managing socialism which drew upon the experience of the New Economic Policy of the 1920s as well as the socialist tradition in other countries .
29 The home that Abigail Pilmay built in 1682 has now been demolished but it was remembered in the 1920s as having the name Pot House .
30 Although it took so long finally to dispose of the machinery and tanks , other material was removed from the incline during the 1920's as uses for it were found .
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