Example sentences of "[art] [det] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Finally , if the organization must engage in illegal activities to attain its goals , men with a non-demanding moral code will have the least compunctions about engaging in such behaviour .
2 A third approach was considered to exhibit the least disadvantages .
3 If one also supposed that only one or two electrons could orbit at any one of these distances , this would solve the problem of the collapse of the atom , because the electrons could not spiral in any farther than to fill up the orbits with the least distances and energies .
4 Far be it for me to say that this is the sort of budget that conservatives ought to applaud because it is after all , a budget that is guided by a feeling that councils should provide services and they should orientate their services to the least communities , to be guided by equal opportunities and by egalitarians and that 's what this group has always stood for , this is the budget that we present tonight and I would hope that it would get a far better and far larger measure of support than perhaps of course been the case in the past .
5 It had been anticipated they would be operating mainly among the trees surrounding the estate , so the object was to go for maximum noise and shock effect while inflicting the least injuries possible .
6 The development of immunoprophylaxis for group B streptococcal infections may ultimately result in the most appropriate intervention with the least effects on the neonatal microbial flora .
7 Almost half of Shrewsbury has Welsh blood , or at the least friends in Wales .
8 The mouse with the least parasites usually became dominant .
9 Yes , he holds the least votes on committee in Security .
10 When it was revealed that the 14 candidates polling the least votes and thus threatened with exclusion from the central committee included such notables as Abalkin , Shevardnadze , Ryzhkov , Defence Minister Dmitry Yazov and CPSU international department head Valentin Falin , Gorbachev intervened with a proposal that they too should be deemed elected by virtue of having won a legitimate majority , this being accepted by the congress .
11 The two young girls , I predicted , would not find such changes so difficult to accommodate , but I did all I could to see that Mrs Clements suffered the least adjustments , to the extent that I undertook for myself a number of duties which you may consider most broad-minded of a butler to do .
12 Figure 5.5 shows the standardized residuals for the least squares Focused model .
13 Suppose we expect the relation ( 1 ) to be unc and suppose further that we have the following experimental table : unc Then in view of ( 5 ) our equations for solutions may be written unc Before we proceed to the least squares solution , let us see what results would be obtained if we solved these equations three at a time , with e taken to be zero for each set of three .
14 This implies that the player A's type is slowly revealed to the B t 's , since the least squares projection ( 4 ) converges in probability to z if the Ct 's are static .
15 These five cars received the least modifications of any of the South Metropolitan fleet and in fact it was many years before they were even repainted , running in deep chocolate and ivory , with only the fleet numbers and badges altered .
16 The UK gives the least subsidies of any major marine manufacturing country and only warship yards are regarded as of strategic significance .
17 Unix now provides the user with access based upon the least privileges he or she requires to carry out their tasks .
18 The sub-atomic world becomes so strange and ‘ unscientific ’ that the some physicists like Fritjof Capra have been moved to consider the weird world of quarks and leptons in semi-mystical terms that combine the new physics with a holistic view of life in general .
19 Many viruses have been innocently spread by engineers using the some disks on their daily rounds .
20 It was leaked to the press nearly a month before its official launch ; a national paper detailed many of the leaflet 's suggestions in the some ideas to get you going section which includes a variety of unusual ideas between its first suggestion — pecks on the cheek , and its last — cuddling up and sleeping .
21 A hundred to the half times a hundred to the half , made a hundred .
22 So it was the minus K times the half times
23 Below and above him were overhangs ; he had lost all his equipment ; the few inches of rock beneath his feet threatened to crumble away ; a blizzard tore at him constantly ; his situation was entirely hopeless .
24 This jerk kept the pram moving over the few inches between the foot of the gentle slope and the beginning of the steep grassy bank that ended up at the road .
25 On Exercise that morning he had tossed his offering the few inches from his pocket to a waiting bucket .
26 His voice seemed to fill the few inches ' space between them , bringing them even closer .
27 ‘ Accuse ? ’ he asked softly , and the few inches separating them narrowed alarmingly .
28 Luke smiled again , reaching across the few inches of space Fran had managed to leave between them to catch her hand and raise it to his lips as he pressed a lovingly tender kiss to her fingertips .
29 He said that the few holes they had dug and refilled would not affect his crop and , more importantly , they were the best ‘ scarecrows ’ he 'd ever known !
30 So I rung them again and said it was dangerous and they came out more or less straight away and did the few holes at the top .
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