Example sentences of "[art] [noun pl] [pn reflx] " in BNC.

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1 At levels 9 and 10 , the activities themselves will not differ significantly in kind , but pupils will require teaching which helps them to act with increasing confidence and fluency , to take a leading role in discussions , to be supportive of the contributions of others , to prepare presentations effectively ( including the use of audiovisual aids and handouts ) , to be rigorous in argument and the use of evidence , and to take effective account of audience and context .
2 Effects of loss of school as a focus for community activities and cooperation , or as a means of bringing people together ; loss of the activities themselves .
3 Whatever the activity , most forms of exercise are good for us , but often the benefits are as varied as the activities themselves .
4 The time budget … may record not only the activities themselves but the people with whom they were performed , and the location of activities .
5 Noting the somewhat limited kinds of talk generated , the teacher commented that this no doubt reflected the limitations of the activities themselves : ‘ That 's about as much as you could expect to get out of them . ’
6 Having lost their serfs , they realized that they would have to alter not only the basis on which they conducted their money-raising activities , but also perhaps the activities themselves .
7 I shall use the activities myself , and recommend the book to others . ’
8 Just as different theoretical schools within each of the social sciences , as well as the disciplines themselves , have various views about the nature of human behaviour , how it is conceptualised and conceived , the way in which this should be investigated , then they will also have different ideas about what sorts of things are to count as data .
9 The first structures to be considered must be the defences themselves , especially those which protected only an essential core , even though it may extend beyond the government installations .
10 This phenomenon was termed polar wandering and is now thought to arise from the movements of the continents themselves rather than from any significant shift in the location of the magnetic pole itself .
11 Lavandera makes the point that the standard procedure in quantitative sociolinguistics would have been to start the analysis from the forms themselves rather than to examine initially the discourse contexts in which they were used .
12 No more than headings are given below — for details , readers are referred to the forms themselves .
13 Before considering direct assistance to the learner-readers themselves , there is another group who may need support — the parents .
14 In fact I was n't particularly anxious , although my diary is full of the usual teenage moans and groans about the impossibility of absorbing any more information , and the exams themselves are described as ‘ foul ’ , ‘ really foul ’ , or , at best , ‘ not very nice ’ .
15 The light-greens themselves are variegated , ranging from respectable Establishment bodies like the National Trust and the RSPB at one end to the more radical organisations like Greenpeace and Friends of the Earth at the other .
16 The working of the Acts themselves was instrumental in crystallising and shaping the situation .
17 The present chapter will constitute only a brief indication as to the relevant Acts and principles ; the reader needing more detail is referred to the Acts themselves and to Honoré 's work , or that of others .
18 The Mercantile Marine Act 1850 was seen by the government as dealing with the other side of the problem — that of raising the standard of British seamen and seamanship and of protecting the seamen themselves from the tyranny of their officers and the depredations of the shipowners .
19 She was ‘ vetted ’ by a lady-in-waiting at two meetings before the sittings themselves .
20 And anyway she 's rather fond of the chameleons herself .
21 ‘ You are a success to them if you fit in with the culture , particularly when they have gone thousands of miles and built up the clubs themselves .
22 where quantification is already evident in the accounts themselves ( an example of which might be a presentation rather than a measurement matter , such as an adaptation of the headings in the Act 's format requirements not covered by paragraph 3(3) of Schedule 4 ) , or (
23 By reporting only two columns of figures ( budget and actual ) , not only is the ultimate purpose of budgetary accounting not achieved but much time can be wasted in answering specific users ' questions about variances which could have been avoided by the accounts themselves producing the relevant analysis .
24 Gipps et al ( 1983 ) report little concern amongst primary school headteachers about adverse effects , though the programmes themselves lack clarity of purpose and use .
25 employment of a number of paid viewers who are required to report on reception , interference , etc. , as well as on the programmes themselves .
26 We shall be taking a look at the Media Services Unit at the university that has provided the technical services for producing these programmes , and also we shall be talking about the response to the programmes themselves .
27 Mainland Tanzania would not , it was decided , have television until it could produce the bulk of the programmes itself .
28 As Douglas Guerero , in charge of the literacy campaign pointed out , this ‘ has not been induced by the institutions themselves .
29 The holding of markets and fairs for the trading of livestock , agricultural produce and the output of craft industries has been widely spread , but the institutions themselves have been diverse .
30 A Decision is a binding administrative measure used in individual cases to implement the Treaties where the institutions themselves are responsible , such as the Commission decision to grant aid to the UK coal industry .
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